A message from Kim

School counsellor

Anglicare Parentzone Eastern Term 3 Newsletter 


Please see the below link to the comprehensive Anglicare Parentzone Eastern Term 3 Newsletter which contains a number of links to, and flyers about, programs and other support services for children, young people, parents and families. Some of the parenting programs that might be of interest include -


Talking Teens 

Dad’s Matter 

Parenting Anxious Children 

Setting Boundaries with your Child

Tuning into Kids (For parents of 4 to 12 year olds)

Living with ADHD/ADD

Living with Autism Support





The MAT (Martial Arts Therapy) Program 


We are very excited to have a therapeutic martial arts program come to our school this term to run a program for a small group of Grade 5 students called The MAT Program. The students who have been nominated to be a part of the first cohort to undertake this program will be sharing some of their learnings with their classmates as they go along and so hopefully some of this will filter back to home. 


The MAT Life Skills Program is an active therapeutic modality that combines the principles of psychosocial development with those of traditional martial art training techniques in a format that engages young people to learn life skills and develop strategies to manage challenges in their lives. 


The Program uses the Victorian Curriculum on Personal and Social Capabilities as a reference tool to support the development of young people in key areas such as:

  • Self-Awareness
  • Self-Management
  • Social Awareness
  • Social Management


The MAT Program Set of Values are:

  1. Be Strong - in the body, mind and heart. Physical, psychological and emotional health.
  2. Be Calm - to believe in yourself and be able to make choices under pressure.
  3. Be Kind - towards yourself, others and the environment - respect and responsibility.
  4. Try Hard - effort as the currency of success.