Visual Arts

Students in 5/6 have spent a few weeks on threads, starting with a pom-pom monster, and now a llama. 

Students viewed images of Peruvian textiles and considered the practical purpose of weaving before starting this project. 

This week we will complete our llamas.




Students in 3/4 have also spent the last few weeks on threads. 

Last week we began a cup weaving project which we will also finish off this week, by completing the weaving and then adding either a plait or a twisted cord along the top and bottom edge of the cup.



Students in 1/2 read the picture story book Silly Billy and discussed the themes in the text. We then looked at the Guatamalen tradition of worry dolls. 

Students used a dolly peg, threads and glue to create their own worry dolls. 

This week we will make pouches for them and practice our stitching.



Students in Foundation read the picture story book Rosie’s Walk and discussed the colours used in the text. 

They used a torn piece of yellow paper as the background, before practising tearing kinder squares to make trees and farm buildings. 

Students then used feathers, coloured matchsticks and threads to add texture and other details to their works.