From the Principal Team
Get the Spotlight Ready!
There is a real buzz around the school this week as the cast and crew of 'Aladdin Trouble' head on stage for the production. The sets look fantastic, the kids are pumped and the costumes fitted. It's time.
I wish all our performers and backstage crew the very best over the next few days and I hope that all our families have the chance to enjoy our students' extensive efforts over a long period of time.
One of the things we had started to worry about in past years was an increasing reluctance by students to take the risk and put themselves out there. It was an absolute thrill this year to see so many students audition and put their hand up for the challenge. Let's do our best to reward their courage (and encourage future performers) with a grand ovation.
A reminder that all students should be dressed in correct school uniform. Students have been told that they need to be wearing a school jumper or bomber jacket but can have a warm coat over the top. However, students shouldn't be wearing non-uniform jumpers at school.
The second-hand uniform store offers many options at just $5 a piece, and for families in financial hardship, there are options we can access to help with uniform. Just ask at the office or contact Ricarda Lillis (business manager - directly for more information.
Also, to avoid the spreading of head lice and for safety, we require all long hair to be tied back. Regardless of gender, anything longer than shoulder length should be tied back.
NAPLAN Results
Schools have recently received our results for NAPLAN testing conducted in March this year. I am pleased to report that our students have done a fantastic job, comparing favourably to similar schools and schools in our network. We currently do not have national or state data to compare our results against.
The format for reporting results has changed a bit, so we are all adapting to the new language and terminology and unfortunately it is not possible to accurately compare 2023 results with past results, but as you can see in the chart below, students have performed consistently across all areas.
This chart shows students who were rated as 'Strong' or 'Exceeding' (compared to age expectations).
Parent information to collect results
It is now recommended that we do not send reports home with students, so individual student reports can be collected by parents from the front office from Wednesday July 26 in the afternoon. Any reports not collected by Friday July 28 will be mailed home.
Enrolments Open
If you have friends, neighbours or family members whose children are starting school next year, please encourage them to choose RNPS. Each Prep enrolment in future years helps ensure the continued provision of programs and services for all students year-after-year.