Message From Our 


Dear Parents and Caregivers,


How important grandparents are for family life. How important it is to have intergenerational exchanges and dialogue, especially within the context of the family. Children and the elderly build the future of peoples: children because they lead history forward, the elderly because they transmit the experience and wisdom of their lives. This relationship and this dialogue between generations is a treasure to be preserved and strengthened!”    Pope Francis 


Last Friday we celebrated this gift of our treasured grandparents with Mass, visits to the classrooms and morning tea. Thank you, Fr John Paul and Years 3/4 for the beautiful Mass, to those who supplied the morning tea and to our special visitors who travelled far and wide to be with us for this happy occasion. We were so blessed to have you join us for this celebration.

Congratulations to our fantastic Foundation class on reaching their ‘100th Day of School’. To celebrate the children came along dressed as if they were 100 years old – and each one of them absolutely looked their age!  

Well done to our Foundation children and their parents for the way you have all begun this important first year of school. A special thank you to their teachers for their guidance and the enriching and engaging learning they have provided over the past 100 days and the fun activities they organised to celebrate this milestone.


Sacred Heart School have partnered with Greater Shepparton Council Best Start Program, an early year’s initiative to provide the best possible environment and experiences for preschool children in readiness for school. Preschool children can come along to the Foundation room and enjoy a story together and borrow a book to take home in the provided borrowing bag. Our first story time was lots of fun and it is happening again this Thursday at 3pm. Please see the flyer on the 'Community Notices' page, all warmly welcome.

Last weekend the children preparing for their Sacrament of Reconciliation were presented to our parish community and received a special blessing from Fr John Paul.  We continue to keep these children and their families in our prayers as they complete their preparation. Our next parish Mass is Sunday August 13th at 10:30am and all children and their families are warmly invited to join us.


Last night the SAC welcomed Lachlan Scott, current parent, who has been investigating the viability of secondary education in Tatura. Lachlan has noted in a short time, interest is high and the ongoing benefits to our local community would be hugely beneficial and enriching in numerous ways. Lachlan is going to continue to investigate this possibility and would welcome any support or ideas. The implementation of Spelling Mastery program and the recent Semester 1 reports were also discussed during the July SAC meeting.


Thank you to so many families who have returned their raffle books and asked for more to be sent home! You are wonderful! All the proceeds will go towards classroom libraries and will directly benefit your children. There are some great prizes and raffle winners will be drawn on Athletics Day. 


The children are busy preparing for Athletics Sports which will be held on September 1st. This will be combined with our Fathers’ Day breakfast. We are hoping for lots of volunteers to help run both these events so please complete your WWCC and SH online induction before completing the volunteers form sent out on PAM. 


2024 Foundation meetings have begun. Meeting our new students and getting to know their families is always such a highlight for me. If you know your child will not be reenrolling at Sacred Heart in 2024, can you please contact the school office as soon as possible as we are currently finalising 2024 enrolments.


May the Sacred Heart of Jesus continue to watch over our school community and bless us always.


Pauline Hindson 
