BEST (Science/Biology)

Bioscience, Environmental Science, Sustainability & Technology

National Science Week

Embracing the spirit of discovery, our students have been diving into exciting lunchtime adventures, from mind-bending Science Trivia to hands-on experiences crafting wind turbines and experimenting with bioplastics. An e-meet with a Biomedical Scientist tomorrow is also set to inspire!

Ms Carly Doyle


Y9&10 DNA to Dinosaurs

Year 9 & 10 ‘DNA to Dinosaurs’ class recently participated in the BioEYES incursion, which is run by the Monash University Biomedicine Institute. Over a week students study embryonic development and inheritance in Zebrafish.  Students were able to observe the early stages of development that contained unspecialised stem cells and by the end of the week we were able to watch the development into free swimming larvae and see structures such as a beating heart. Students were also able to investigate the pigmentation (stripes) develop on their fish and draw a conclusion for their inheritance of this trait. It was a great opportunity for our students to participate in some real-world science and to discuss the current research involving this organism.


Student Comment

The Bio-eyes incursion was such an exciting and enriching experience, watching our tiny Zebrafish eggs grow into embryos and then to small fish larva was an unforgettable experience. Over the course of the four days, observing the embryo we got to take a look under the microscope at the egg's transformation. We saw things such as the blood flow, beating heart, (and my personal favourite) the growth of the tiny gills and flippers of the baby Zebrafish. We also recorded the percentage of our Wildtype and Nacre babies (stripped and un-stripped) in order to hypothesis which Zebrafish gene was the most dominant. Overall, the whole incursion was an enjoyable experience that I personally, will never forget.

Andjelina C (Year 10)


Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5

Day 3

Day 4

Day 5

Mr Steve Seddon









Y9&10 Crime Scene Investigation

Our Year 9 & 10 Crime Scene Investigation students have been delving into the world of genetics and inheritance by creating their very own vegetable babies! 

Ms Sarah Baeffel & Ms Jo Cole


Ms Sarah Baeffel
Ms Jo Cole
Ms Sarah Baeffel
Ms Jo Cole

Year 12 Biology

Testing E. coli growth with different concentrations of ampicillin.

Ms Carly Doyle
