RSA & Food Handling 

Responsible Service of Alcohol

This term our Year 10 -12 students have the opportunity to attain valuable employability skills through our Micro-credentials Program. Our first group completed their RSA certification on 8 August which equipped them with the know-how to serve and sell alcohol responsibly, in accordance with Victoria's liquor laws. They are now well-prepared to identify signs of overconsumption and intoxication, ensuring a safer environment for all. The second group will complete the course on Tuesday 22 August.

Food Handler Safety Course

Our first group of Year 9 - 12 students aced The Food Handler Safety Course on 11 August! They've gained invaluable knowledge on safe food handling, personal hygiene, and contamination prevention. These essential skills, backed by their Food Handler Certificate, open doors to exciting opportunities in the hospitality and events industries. The second group will complete the course on Friday 25 August.

There is only one spot left for the Food Handlers course on Friday 25 August so be quick - details below! RSA is now booked out.

Ms Madeleine Hunter-Smith
