
con Lina

Ciao to everyone. What can I share since the last entry on this Italian page? Well, the Year 1s and 2s sang a bilingual song at the final Assembly last term. The song, I Can Sing a Rainbow was in both Italian and English.  Grades 1/2 K and 1/2 L classes did an amazing job leading the singing with the rest of the students joining in. 

We began this term by revising numbers via the Elmer the Patchwork Elephant story. “Elmer L’elefante Variopinto” with a colour by number to solve.

In class, the students have been reciting numbers to 20 and as a fun way to put Italian numbers to use they played various games. For example, the Preps used Ten Frames to practise Uno 1 to Dieci 10. The 1s and 2s played “Fuori da Casa Mia” – (Get out of my House) with numbers – Zero 0 to Venti 20. 

A puppet which helped the Number topic was “un polpo”  (an octopus) – the Polpo’s name is

 Pietro.  Pietro il Polpo is used to play Polpo.  This game is my Italian version of Buzz.

 Students stand in circle and count 0 to 20 in Italian whilst they pass Pietro around.  When they get a number ending in zero or eight – they must say Polpo or they are out! We chose 8 because Pietro il Polpo has (otto) 8 legs – hence the word octopus in English! 

Ciao, ciao for now - 

Lina Italian Teacher