
You should have all received a welcome to Xuno email today. Access to Xuno can be through the Xuno Family App or online at https://toolambaps.xuno.com.au/.
Xuno is a school management program designed to streamline communication for families, teachers, and administration staff. The Parent and Student Portal gives parents access to their child’s attendance, school reports, electronic permission forms, event payments, school calendar and parent teacher interviews. The portal allows quick communication with parents, students absences and updating the community with important information and reminders. We encourage you download the Xuno Family app and ensure notifications are turned on in your settings. The app icon is below.
As we migrate to Xuno, for the remainder of August, we will continue to send messages and the newsletter through Skool Loop, as well as Xuno. From 1st September, all messages, newsletters, and permission slips will be through Xuno. Once you are setup for Xuno, you are welcome to remove the Skool Loop app from your phone.
We understand there are several apps currently used by the school, however, this move will streamline our communication and organisation for our school community. Please see below for summary:
Qkr! - Will remain for events run by the Parents & Friends Committee (P&F) and some Junior School Council (JSC) activities. There is continued confusion about what this app is. It is for P & F and JSC event days only. No school fees or excursions are to be paid through this app.
Skool Loop – will cease at of 1st September.
Class Dojo – will continue.
Parent Teacher Interviews – now through Xuno
Emails – active and will continue to be checked regularly. Family statements are sent from this email.
There is much more available with Xuno and as our staff learn more about it, we hope it can provide a single all-in-one framework for our school. Please see the below documents for more information on Xuno.
Parent information about XUNO
Here are a few resources regarding use of XUNO for parents via the app or Web portal:
- Parent Portal Setup
- Parent Portal Introductory Booklet
- XUNO Family app Quickstart Guide
- XUNO Family app User Guide
Parent Teacher Interviews
Once you have completed the set up, you will be able to book Parent Teacher Interviews. There is an option ‘ONLINE’ when selecting a time, if you would like a phone interview, please select this box. Otherwise, it will be a face to face interview.
Please contact the school if you did not receive the welcome email. Some are having trouble with resetting their password, contact the school and we will set up a password for you.