What's been happening at Woodland Road?

Writer's Festival, NAIDOC Week

Sydney Writers Festival 2023 

On Wednesday 24th May, 17 students from years 4 -6 attended the Sydney Writers Festival at Sydney Town Hall. The event is designed to inspire the next generation of readers and storytellers. Students engaged in four 45-miute sessions where writers and illustrators talked about their craft, shared their discoveries and took questions from students. See below the highlights of students from the day: Annabelle (4/5L): So today was a great day. We had to sit in this stadium that had a clock at the top. It was very, very fancy there, but beautiful. We could buy books by famous authors and got to get them to sign our books. I loved it there and my book I brought from my favourite author, Maryam Master. Harper (5/6BG): Today I went to the city with some of my friends to meet Australian authors. I bought a Maryam Master book named ‘No Words’, and she signed it too! After this fantastic experience I am even more inspired to become an author. Abigail (5/6BG): My highlight of today was meeting Maryam Master and her signing my book. Her story about her escape from Iran was heart wrenching. Emily (4/5L): The highlight of my day was my friends and when we were at the auditorium and all the authors were there. My favourite was Cristy Burne and Maryam Master. Leah (4/5L): The highlight of my day was meeting all the authors and doing what they planned. Phillip (4/5L): My highlight of the day was when Maryam Master shared her story and signed my book that she wrote. Adrian Beck signed my book as well. The Sydney Writer’s Festival is an amazing thing to experience so maybe check it out one day. Travis (56BG): The highlight of my day was when Cristy Burne shot marshmallows out of the cannon because it was fun! Izaak (56BG): My highlight of the day was seeing famous authors that had made books around the world and them talking about how and why they started writing books. Fletcher (56BG): My highlight of the day was seeing the Opera House and the Harbour Bridge. Also, it was getting two books signed and having a good time. Kaden (56BG): Today has been great. I got a signed book and got to see some new books that I want.



During week 10 of Term 2, Woodland Road Public School celebrated NAIDOC Week. They got involved in lots of different cultural activities. 

On Monday we were fortunate enough for our Gamarada kids to see a smoking ceremony to officially open our school's Yarning circle and dance pit. 

Tuesday was led by our Junior Aboriginal Education Consultative Group leaders where each class was invited to our Yarning circle to listen to Traditional Aboriginal Dreaming stories. 

On Wednesday our whole school worked together to give all students the opportunity to participate in a range of cultural activities and practices from the First Nations Peoples. This included Weaving, Johnny cakes, leaf art and learning about Aboriginal Symbol story telling. 

Thursday was our whole school assembly where students learnt about Naidoc and why it is celebrated. There was also a dance performed by our Aboriginal dance group. The community picnic that followed was enjoyed by staff, students and family. 

Friday was Aboriginal Olympic Games led by our school leaders. 

We hope that all students and the community enjoyed this important week for our First Nations Peoples and we look forward to doing it again next year! 

Thank You for all support and involvement during this time!