Library News

Upcoming events in the library
Week 5 - Tuesday 15th August
In week 5 we will be very fortunate to welcome author, Phillip Gwynne to our school library. Phillip will talk to our students about his many books, what it's like to be an author, and how to be a great writer! Phillip will be bringing a selection of his books, which he will sign for anyone who would like to buy a copy. Prices are below.
Week 7 - Tuesday 29th August
We will host our annual Book Week Parade on Tuesday 29 August!
Children can come to school dressed as a favourite book character, and our parade will be held after lunch - more information will be shared prior to the day.
As always, the children are very excited about the parade, and we have talked at length about all of their great ideas! I always ask them to follow two simple rules when considering their costume:
- Make it a character from a book. It is Book Week after all!
- Don't ask your parents to go out and buy you a costume - have fun and get creative. Use whatever you can find around the home.
Also on the 29th August , we will once again be hosting a Great Book Swap to raise funds for the Indigenous Literacy Foundation, and the fantastic work they do. We are asking for a gold coin donation to help fund books for Indigenous children in remote communities. If children have a book they no longer want, could they please bring it to me in the library. These will be put out for swapping on the day.
PRC Closing soon!
Reading records need to be finalised by next Friday August 18th, so please check in with your children about their progress.
I have advised children that I am happy to help with any last minute additions, but they will need to get their lists to me A.S.A.P so that I have time to add their books.
Thank you for your support, and happy reading!
Yours in Love and Service,
Verity Temple
Teacher Librarian