Family Educator News


We are excited to announce that we now have a parent library corner at the entrance of the school.  On the shelves you will find many titles on parenting, wellbeing and spirituality that we hope you will find helpful.  


We will be adding new titles regularly, and please feel free to take any of our prayer cards as well - they make great book marks!


Simply fill out the borrowing sheet on the shelf and return the book to the shelf once you have finished reading it.  If you have any books you would like to share and donate to our library, please feel free to drop them into the draw at the bottom of the shelf.  Happy reading!


COMMUNITY EVENT: Men's Movie Night



I'm very excited to announce an upcoming event for men in our community to join other dads in our local Catholic School Network for a men's social event/ Movie night at the Ritz in Randwick in celebration of Father's Day. 


Ticket price includes a screening of the latest Movie "About My Father" starring Robert de Niro, refreshments, a free gift bag, and the chance to win a lucky door prize! Details on the invitation.


Don't miss this great event! Buy your tickets on the QR Code in the invitation!




Parents of children making their First Holy Communion in August are invited to a special retreat morning to prepare for this special day.


Join your child in the pews for morning Mass, and then join me in the Library to make a special gift for your child and enjoy some morning tea.

If you would like to just attend the gift making session, this will begin in the library at 10am and you are most welcome.


Please RSVP through the QR Code on the invitation or click the invite.

Laura Neeson: 

Are you Curious About the Catholic Faith?

In our vibrant school community, we recognise the importance of fostering open dialogue and embracing diversity of thought and belief. We understand that some of you may not be Catholic or have questions about the Catholic faith, and we want to extend an invitation to embark on a journey of exploration and understanding together.


If you find yourself wondering about the teachings, traditions, or values of the Catholic Church, I invite you to reach out to me. As your Family Educator, I am here to provide a safe space for conversations, without judgement, to answer your questions, and to walk alongside you on your path of discovery - without expectations. 


Whether you come from a different faith background, are searching for spiritual nourishment, or simply desire to learn more about the Catholic faith, I am here to listen, support and offer guidance.


No question is too big or too small, and every inquiry is welcomed. 

Please don't hesitate to contact me via email and schedule a chat over coffee at your convenience: