Student Voice

with Holly

Welcome Holly!  Holly came to JPII this term to Prep. Holly is a vivacious and bright young student whose talking and joy for everything she chats about is very infectious!   Let's get to know Holly.


Name: Holly


Age: 5


Suburb you live in: 

Clarendon Vale.


What grade are you in? 



Best thing about Prep at JPII?

The puppet theatre.


What are your favourite things to do at Prep?

Playing outside.


Who is your favourite Prep teacher/grownup and why?

Miss Johnson because she teaches us writing on the whiteboards.


What is your unknown hidden talent?



What do you want to be when you grow up?

A swimmer.


Any favourite hobbies or interests?

Running around and playing with friends.


There are new Kinder students coming to our school next year.  

What would you say that might help them enjoy Kinder when they start?



What do you like most about our new lunches we eat together in the Little Dove Cafe at school?  

They are so good. My favourite is the lasagne.



Thank you Holly, let's hope there are more lasagnas cooking in the cafe for you!