Student of the Week Awards

Presented 28/7/23

Isla S. - 00M

This award is presented to Isla for her wonderful persuasive writing this week. We have been investigating about the four seasons and Isla was able to talk and write about why autumn is her favourite season. Isla left gaps between her words and wrote most of the beginning sounds as well. I  am so proud of you Isla and believe you are destined for great things!

Hendrix B. - 1/2B

This award goes to Hendrix for his persistence in Maths this week. Hendrix has been challenging himself while working with place value, and has shown amazing growth. Hendrix has shown that hard work pays off, and I encourage him to continue to apply himself to his learning. Well done Hendrix!

Brooklyn R. - 1/2C

This award goes to Brooklyn for the fantastic contributions he has been making during class discussions. Brooklyn has been listening carefully to others and has eagerly shared his own thinking. He has remembered what we learnt during previous lessons and applied this to new learning. Well done Brooklyn!

Ellarae W. - 1/2R

Congratulations Ellarae for working hard in Literacy. You have shown persistence when completing challenging work and are always willing to share your ideas/knowledge with fellow peers. Keep up the wonderful work! 

Alvaro A.  - 3/4B

This week Alvaro enjoyed reading and writing funny spoonerisms. A spoonerism is where the first sound in words or phrases have been swapped with another word. Alvaro enjoyed reading poems about the ‘Runny Babbit’.

Hayley R. - 3/4K

This award goes to Hayley for the amazing understanding she demonstrated of spoonerisms during our reading lessons this week. Hayley was able to explain what a spoonerism is and decode spoonerisms in a poem. She was even able to talk in spoonerisms! Well done Hayley.

James C. - 3/4S

This award goes to James for the outstanding improvement he has made in his reading. James enjoys discussing the books he reads, using examples from the text to support his answers to questions. James, you are a reading superstar.

Oliver L. - 5/6B

This award is for the effort you have put into your informative writing piece on chess grandmaster Magnus Carlsen. You have put thought into your introduction by considering how you can hook the audience, and you have taken on feedback to improve your writing. You have had a terrific week Oliver. Keep up the great work.

 Tenzin W. - 5/6D

Tenzin is to be congratulated for his wonderful efforts in class this week. It was impressive to watch Tenzin lead a small group of students to help turn the classroom into a real-life grid reference system. He also persisted through the challenge of recreating the grid onto paper. 

Well done Tenzin – you really displayed Excellence this week!

Aiden C. - 5/6W

This award goes to Aiden for his outstanding efforts during Reading this week. He read aloud fluently with great expression and demonstrated a good understanding of the text. He shared his opinion about the text and was able to articulate his thinking. Wonderful effort Aiden!

Delsa V. - Visual Arts

This award goes to Delsa for her fabulous effort and precision when making a picture of a snowman. Delsa patiently dotted the paint with her finger to create her snowman before smearing lines of paint for the snowy ground. She then decorated her snowman by drawing with oil pastels. Amazing work Delsa!

Hayley W. - Performing Arts

Congratulations Hayley. You have made great progress learning the melody and rhythm parts for 'Play That Song'. The class ensemble is starting to sound great thanks to strong players such as yourself. Well done. 

Lilly S. - Science

This award goes to Lilly for the enthusiast attitude she is showing towards her science lessons. Lilly is remaining focused during both the introduction and instructions and then tries her hardest to complete all work independently.

Great job Lilly, keep it up!