Specialist News

Japanese Room News
Hello Families,
In Japanese, we began the term learning about Tana
bata festival. This is a celebration in Japan that happens every year on the 7th of the 7th. People attend parades and fireworks displays to celebrate mid-summer. They look to the stars writing wishes on Tanzaku which are sent off downriver on bamboo poles. Our students wrote their own Tanzaku– hopes for the future and placed them in our Bamboo forest.
We have been revising and learning the colours in Prep to Year 2.
(Work: Hafa & Dhyana)
Year 1/2s have begun learning how to describe different insects by colour, size and number of legs. Year 3/4s are learning to ask and tell their age. (Work: Saurav 3/4A)
Year 5/6 are working on writing sentences to describe their favourite Anime and Pokemon characters.
All students have been building their understanding of the Hiragana script and doing fantastic practice to extend themselves.
みんなさん, よくできました。
Minnasan, yokudekimashita. Well Done Everyone!
Art Room News
Embroidery Inspired by Textile Artist Victoria Villasana
During Art class, students in Year 5/6 studied the work of Mexican textile artist, Victoria Villasana, and used this as inspiration for creating their own embroidered artwork. Students chose an inspiring person as the subject of their artwork. They learned some basic sewing techniques and stitches, which they used in creative ways to produce these fabulous designs.