Year 5/6 News

5/6 Camp Toolangi
Day 1
On the 12th of July, we went to Camp Toolangi on a 90-minute bus ride. On the first day in our groups, we did certain activities including archery, bushwalk, blindfold walk and initiatives course.
At the end of Day 1, we had a campfire on which we toasted marshmallows while singing silly campfire songs.
Day 2
On Day 2, we did more activities, including damper making, which is a type of bread also called Bushman’s bread. Damper is made of just flour and water. We also did a huge flying fox that went extremely fast.
Day 3
The last day. We did one more activity called Billy Carts. We made our own wooden carts and we raced them on a small track. One person pushed and one steered at the front.
Following are poems written by two of our students who attended Camp Toolangi.
The First Dreaded Night by Zack Carey
Here, the air’s fresher than anywhere We hear them party like it's '99
As we slowly walk to bed They act like they’re mad on wine
Sooner or later we’ll realise But I unfortunately notice the time
It's a mistake to rest our heads It's midnight, and not a second behind
My cabin, loud as a rock show I hear more footsteps
And I have a front-row seat But these ones are stranger?
Footsteps fast as crossbows I don't think I slept
Going at a very quick beat T’was a night, of danger
We take turns getting up In the early morning
To ask them to be quiet I am woken by the light
Unfortunately, no luck And all my mind will say is
It's like trying to stop a riot! That t’was only the first, dreaded, night
The Flying Fox by Panav Singla
The harness tightly straps onto my body,
Stiffening my arms and waist,
Taking away the space I once had,
Makes my legs ache,
Stepping up the dry green hill,
With the rope heating up my hands,
Thinking about the ladder of my doom,
I feel my heart getting squeezed by rubber bands,
A carabiner is thrown down onto my chest,
And then I click it on,
While I wait for the man to say ‘go’,
I wait for my dawn,
‘Go’, says the man,
I walk up step by step,
My feet as wiggly as jelly,
My hands drenched in sweat,
I reach the top, all safe and sound,
The man questions me to know more,
He clips carabiners to a hook on my chest,
Says, “It's ok, jump when you feel sure”,
I jump off and go as fast as The Flash,
Holding on to the rope with dear life,
I'm soaring through the wind,
The wind slaps my face as I give it a high five,
I hit the end and I hear “Thrash!”,
I go back slowly until I'm on top of the mat,
I unhook my carabiners, and fall to the floor,
I take off my harness and helmet, and ask for more,