Learning & Teaching

Year 4 News

The Year Fours have begun Term 3 with Narrative Writing using the Seven Steps to Writing Success focusing on Sizzling Starts. A Sizzling Start is a sentence to start the story to get the reader hooked so they want to read on. Over the course of a week, students explored the importance of including action to start their narrative. They responded to a variety of stimuli - photos, existing stories, random story generators and their peers to create openings of stories…and were only allowed 1 minute to complete their writing. Here are some of the results of our 1 minute Sizzling Starts.


Will W:

Urh! I shouted as Mum put the burnt ham on the table. I was aggravated. "Christmas is meant to be a happy time," I shouted.  I raged with anger as I stormed off.


Roman S

Sparks showered the stage as the tall red curtains opened, a red hot flame formed, I was strapped to my seat wondering…


Sam S

“YOU BETTER NOT BE LYING JEFFERY!” Hannah yelled back, as she was walking on the tightrope over the canyon.


Fred M

Crash!! The rocket landed. They had to get the samples or else there would be no hope for earth. 


Ethan M

Of all the items that can clog your toilet, an overweight arctic animal is probably the worst. Yep, that’s right. A polar bear is stuck in my toilet.


James L

The bully threw me and Terry to the ground. He sneered, "Stay there." I ran but Terry didn't move. He just stayed still.


Emily L

Thump, Thump, Thump, went my heart as the lightbulbs were flashing and the shutters were opening and closing. “Ghosts really do exist!” I screamed in fear.


Lucy J

The green, globby animal started moving closer and closer. Everywhere this animal went on this far away planet, it left a trail of fire.


Lachie H

My eyes shot open. It was the middle of the night. I heard something. I looked at my clock and it randomly fell off my bedside table.


Conor C

I had already regretted accepting the deal, but if I succeeded I would be rich. I set the timer on the bomb for 10 minutes and tossed it in the bin next to the police station. I got in my car and drove off.


Peter C

I screamed as the cold feeling rushed through me. I could hear more screams as it happened. The ghosts. It was all their fault.


Carter G

ROAR! I heard a faint sound in the distance. I looked over my shoulder and strained to see. A police helicopter appeared over a mountain being chased by an ancient Chinese dragon. The awful creature was gaining rapidly. 


Mick R

My heart is beating uncontrollably. I feel like I am flying in a different world. I look outside and I can't see anything… I start running but I feel like every step I take it gets closer…


Olivia B

My hands get colder as the frozen air brushes across my hands. I look around and see a huge avalanche coming my way! I quickly run behind a rock and crouch as low as possible. WHOOSH! I stare up at the thick layer of snow as it flies over my head.


Reeve N

Sophie couldn’t sleep. Strange noises were coming from downstairs. Suddenly… BANG!


Lucas J

T minus 10! 9! I am super scared. 8! 7! The combustion in the rocket is shaking below… 6! 5! It’s shaking hard now 4! 3! I gulp, this is it, I’ve been training for months… 2! 1! I look at the time BLAST OFF!!

Super Speak

Students in Year 5/6 will participate in public speaking workshops facilitated by Super Speak on Friday 11 August. The workshops help students develop in a broad range of areas including: ⭐speech clarity, ⭐vocal variety, ⭐vocal projection, ⭐expression, ⭐articulation, ⭐story-telling, ⭐persuasive speaking, ⭐informative speaking, ⭐impromptu speaking, ⭐speech structuring, ⭐fluency, ⭐leadership, ⭐teamwork, ⭐improvisation, ⭐body language, ⭐conversation skills, ⭐clear thinking, ⭐active listening, and ⭐creative thinking.


Students will also:

  • Learn structured public speaking skills
  • Speak with greater clarity & expression
  • Communicate with confidence & purpose
  • Develop confidence & self esteem
  • Build creativity & quick thinking
  • Build self awareness & leadership skills
  • Learn practical performance skills
  • Overcome nervousness & build assertiveness

Parents/guardians are invited to attend the Parent Class on 25 August at 10am. More information will be communicated to families closer to the date.

Book Week at Sacred Heart Kew