School News

Grandparents' and Special Friends' Day

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all the wonderful grandparents and special friends who graced our school with their presence today. It was wonderful to see the students and their grandparent/s and special friends engaged in activities in the classrooms before gathering in the Church to celebrate Mass together. Thank you to Christian T and Isabelle M (Year 6) for sharing reflections about their grandparents. 


Thank you also to our Parents' Association, in particular our Year 6 Reps, for preparing a delicious Morning Tea for our special visitors.


The Lion King School Musical


Disney The Lion King School Musical - Monday 9 October, 2023 @ 7pm


Tickets for our Disney The Lion King Jr School Musical went on sale Wednesay at 9am. 

Please find below the Trybooking link.


Tickets are $25 + Trybooking ticket processing fees


A reminder that families are ONLY able to purchase 5 tickets per family at this stage.  


Later next week we will send out an audiri notification to parents with an update to ticket sales and subject to availability, an offer of more tickets being purchased by our school community. 


Thanks for your support, cooperation and understanding.


Whole school rehearsals

Our main cast and year levels will be busy rehearsing this term during Performing Arts classes. Allocated time has also been timetable throughout the day for the main cast to rehearse, as well as some lunchtimes. Please be aware of the following Friday dates that whole school rehearsals for The Lion King Jr will be taking place in the Hall: August 4, August 25, September 1, September 8, September 15.

Lion King Costume Workshop  

Thank you to the parents who have registered to assist with the Lion King Costume Workshop on Monday 7 August. Please remember to sign in at the Office and make your way to the Art Room. The workshop commences at 8:45am and will conclude approximately 12:45pm. 

MS Readathon

This year, our community is embarking on a magical adventure again for one incredible cause this August… and you’re invited to join us!


The MS Readathon is a one-month reading challenge that challenges students to read as many books as they can and raise funds for families living with MS. Whether you’ve already registered, or if you’re yet to sign up, hit the link below to join our school page for the MS Readathon and get ready for the adventure of 2023! 

Prayer Program and Mass Attendance for Term 3

Our Prayer and Mass schedule is underway for Term 3 with students enjoying attending Parish Mass with our Grandparents and Special Friends today. Alongside daily classroom prayer, students have opportunities to participate in class and whole school paraliturgies and attend Parish mass as a whole school, and in individual Year Levels. 


Please see below for upcoming dates which you might like to pop in the diary. Friends and family are warmly invited to join us.


School-based Paraliturgies

Tuesday 8 August (11:15 MPR): Years 3 & 4 Paraliturgy (Mary MacKillop)

Friday 8 September (11:15 MPR) Years 1 & 2 Paraliturgy (Creation) 

Tuesday 12 September (11:15 MPR) Buddy Paraliturgy: Preps and Years 5 & 6 (Friendship)


Attending Parish Mass

Friday 28 July (09:15): Whole School for Grandparents & Friends Morning

Friday 4 August (09.15): Year 4's

Tuesday 15 August (09:15) Whole School for Feast of the Assumption

Friday 25 August (09:15) Years 3's

Friday 1 September (09:15) Years 5 & 6

News from our Year 6 Leaders

Social Justice/Wellbeing Captains - Eve A and Martin M

This term, we have been focusing on making new friendships with other year levels that we haven’t played with before. We will be doing this by changing the Wellbeing Groups so we are with new people. The dates of the Wellbeing Groups are the 4th August, 18 August, 8th September and the theme this term for us is Positive Affirmations. Also, this term we have the National Day of Action on the 18th of August. The National Day of Action is a day against bullying and everyone in the school will get to dress up as their favourite superheroes.


Library Captains - Christian T and Noah D

We are all preparing for our marvellous Book Week this term. We are going to be dressing up as our favourite book characters and bringing our favourite book to school for fun activities throughout the week. A fun activity we are going to be participating in is a dress up hosted by our Year Six leaders to show off our costumes on Monday 21st August.  Throughout Tuesday, there will be an announcement and everyone needs to stop, drop and read their favourite book. On Wednesday, the Library Captains will plan some lunchtime activities. On Thursday, children will share their favourite book with the class. On Friday, a teacher will choose their favourite book to read to a different class.


We are excited to welcome Felice Arena; he is one of Australia’s much-loved children’s authors. His books have topped bestseller lists and garnered several awards, including six Australian Children’s Choice Book Awards. His works include the incredibly popular Specky Magee series, the hilarious Farticus Maximus books, Whippersnapper, Wish, the Boyz-Rule and Girlz-Rock books, the action packed bionic-hero series Andy Roid, the Sporty Kids series and most recently his acclaimed historical adventure novels The Boy and the Spy, Fearless Frederic and A Great Escape. We will be talking about his books and asking him questions about his work on Monday 21st August. 


Sustainability Captain - Adam W

Sustainability is very important to us at Sacred Heart. This term we will be composting. The environment leaders will encourage their classes to place their compostable items in the correct bins. We will use the compost to feed our veggie garden. Our aim is to reduce the amount of waste we send to landfill. 

Science Week is quickly approaching, we will be celebrating this week from the 12th-20th August. During this week our students will complete different science activities in class. The theme this year is “Innovation-Powering Future Industries”. 

Go to this link for activities you can do at home:


The Arts Captains - Isabelle M and Amy W

This year we are putting on Disney The Lion King Jr School Musical. It has been a busy couple of months. We have been very productive in the time to make the musical the best we can. We also have amazing actors playing the roles. Last term the Year 5's and 6's started to paint the animals to put around the theatre. Here are some of them. 


We have been having Main Cast Rehearsal twice a week and Ensemble practice once a week. During these times we have been going through each scene one by one and each song. On Monday 9 October the musical will be held at the Besen Centre. So make sure you book your tickets right away!


House Captains - Adam A, Will L, Hamish R and Christian D


Interschool Sport 

This term the fives and sixes have been playing soccer, football and netball. They have been trying so hard. We had some losses and won some games, but we had fun representing our school, especially meeting new friends in different schools. 




The soccer players have been playing very hard to achieve the milestone of making it to Division soccer, only losing one game. Along the way we have fought through cold, rainy and dry weather. We all loved every minute of playing this wonderful sport and are glad we made it so far. At the start of every game we wanted to have all the players have as much fun as possible. Thank you Sacred Heart for this amazing opportunity.




Our netballers have worked very hard in every game we have played. We have built new connections and learnt more about each other. Some people haven’t played netball before in Interschool Sport, but we have learnt how to play the game properly and we have even made new friends from other schools along the way.




Football has been quite good but it is different to normal football because we can't tackle. Overall it has been quite enjoyable. We met a bunch of new people from different schools and had lots of fun.

Christian D


2023 Term Dates

Term 3

Monday 10 July – Friday 15 September (school finishes at 12.45pm)


Term 4

Monday 2 October – Friday 15 December (school finishes at 12.45pm)

2023 School Closure Days

The following days and dates will be School Closure Days in 2023. 


Term 4

Monday 6 November (Report Writing Day)

Tuesday 7 November (Melbourne Cup Public Holiday) 

Friday 1 December (Planning for 2024)


Miss Peppercorn Lunch Orders - Every Friday


School Lunches are able to be purchased every Friday from Miss Peppercorn. Please see menu below and ordering instructions.