
A Child's Prayer for Grandparents

Dear Lord, 


Please bless my grandparents. Thank you for the life they gave my parents and for the life they give to me. For the ways they helped me and made me strong, I give thanks. For the ways they love me no matter what, I rejoice. For the ways they have paved the road that leads me here, I am grateful. Let them grow in wisdom and joy in life. Let them find peace and rest from their work. Let them be healed of every sickness and pain. And let them see with their own eyes your glory and the love of their children and grandchildren. Bless them always until they come to rest in you.



Our Acknowledgment of Country


We acknowledge that we learn, grow, create and celebrate on Wurundjeri Country. 


We pay our respects to Elders past, present and emerging.


We are grateful for the opportunity to share the glorious land, sky, waterways, and wonderful wildlife with the traditional owners.


Exploring Country brings us joy, happiness and peace. 


We will continue our connection with Country through respectful play, by caring for our community and the environment and engaging in learning that challenges injustice and leads change.