International Students

Lunar New Year – The year of the Pig
Carwatha College P-12 celebrated Lunar New Year this year with a banquet of delicious Chinese food. A large contingent of parents from our international student community spent a morning cooking up a storm in the school’s Food Technology rooms. Parents made delicacies like pork dumplings and stir-fried noodles from scratch. Teachers, staff and students enjoyed the food, with some declaring that this celebration was “the best event of the school year.”
I would like to thank all parents who generously contributed their time and skills to this special occasion.
I would also like to thank, Michele Huang, the multicultural aide, who organised the day.
Helen Leventakis - International Student Coordinator
Carwatha College P-12今年以一桌美味的中国菜来庆祝中国新年。来自国际学生社区的国际学生家长花了一个上午的时间在学校的食品厨房里刮起了一场风暴。父母们包了猪肉饺子、制作了日本寿司 ,准备了 特色炒面等美食。这些精美的春节食品受到老师、教职员工和学生们的热烈常喜欢,有老师说,”这次庆祝活动是“本学年学校最好的活动。“
我还要感谢卡瓦萨学校国际部多元文化助理Michele Huang精心组织了这一天。
海伦Leventakis - 国际学生部协调员
PLC Primary Students
It’s been a busy few weeks in the PLC. We’ve been swimming, to Athletics and getting ready for our first Gala Day. We have been learning the English words for our family, actions, shapes and we have been learning how to write a recount that includes information about who, what, where and when. We have enjoyed reading traditional stories, but we enjoyed making Gingerbread Men and houses from straw even more!
Mrs Clarke - Class Teacher