Principal's Report

It’s hard to believe that first term has nearly come to an end.
It has been an extremely busy term one.
There have been a number of successful events since our last newsletter. These include:
Athletics sports, involving students from Years 4 to 12
Twilight sports for primary students
Primary Swimming Program
Year 7 excursion to the Adventure Garden
Year 8 rock-climbing excursion
Year 10, 11, 12 Amazing Race in the city
Parent Teacher night
A very busy term indeed!
Thank you to all staff who have organised these events for our students.
Parent Teacher Interviews were held on Wednesday 27th of March. It was great to see so many parents attend so that they could receive feedback on how their students are performing and discuss ways in which they can improve. It was also a great opportunity for me to talk to parents about Carwatha College P 12 and all of the great things which are happening here. Discussions between parents, staff and students reinforce our positive relationships and partnerships within our school community. I encourage students to take steps during this term break to act on the advice and recommendations provided by our professional teaching staff at the Parent Teacher Interviews and to read their reports closely—this will make a tremendous difference to your growth and learning.
Our College Open Day will be on Tuesday April the 2nd. There will be an information session for the Primary School at 9.30 followed by a Primary tour. There will be a tour of the Secondary school at 11.30 am. From 5.00 pm to 6.00 pm there will be Year 7 taster sessions in Mathematics, Science, Food, Music and our Football Academy followed by a formal presentation at 6.00 pm. We will also be running information sessions about the SEE program, a program for High Achieving students and the Football Academy. If you know of any parents in the area who have students starting either in Prep or Year 7 for 2020 please let them know the date and encourage them to attend. If you can’t make the night and would like more information about the college please contact me for an appointment.
Applications for the SEE program close on Wednesday April the 24th. If you would like further information on this program visit our website or contact Curriculum Leader Bree Andrew.
The College is also offering a number of scholarships to year 7 students for 2020. These scholarships are in the areas of Sport, Academic Achievement and the Arts. Applications for the scholarships close on Monday the 7th of May. If you would like further information on our scholarships visit our website or contact Junior School Leader Scott Antony.
The new school council for 2019 had their first meeting on Monday the 25th of March. It was great to have so many parents and staff interested in joining Council. I would like to welcome our new parent members Desiree Akkari, Imran Chew and Sally Ryan. I would also like to welcome Tracey Elias as a new DET representative and student representatives Naduwa Baika and Zeik Zeik. Fiona Chippett is also returning as a DET representative. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the outgoing members of council, parents Julie Hallett, Garrie Rushby and Monique Hamilton, DET member Natasha Tzilantos and student representatives Ben Bright and Eftayla Coskun, you have all made a significant contribution to the college and I thank you for the time you have given.
Term 1 finishes on Friday April 5th. Students will be dismissed at 2.30 pm on this day.
Term 2 will commence on Tuesday April 23rd. I hope all students have a great break and return to school ready to do their best.
Pat Mulcahy - Principal