1950-62 Class Reunion

1950-62 Class Reunion
On Saturday November 19th eighteen past students from the years 1950 (Prep)– 1962 (Year 12) gathered once again at Kilbreda. Times like this are always very special to us as we meet friends, some of whom we meet frequently, others whom we meet occasionally and some whom we haven’t seen for 50 or 60 years. There is always a great amount of chatter and laughter!
Since 2013 we have been blessed to have among us June Gogan, better known to us all as ‘Miss Ralph’. June was a teacher at Kilbreda from 1954 to 1959, during which she taught us in Years 5 and 6 and some of us in Year 7. These year levels were designated Grammar Form B, Grammar Form A and Form 1 in those days! All who attend have very fond memories of June, as even those who were not in her class knew her as a very kind teacher who wore amazing clothes, remembering especially her skirts and high-heeled shoes; June says that in those days she made her own clothes. Those who were in her class speak of her caring attitude and the fact that her students learned a great deal in a happy atmosphere. Many of us regard June as the most significant teacher from our school days.
June was with us in 2014 when we celebrated our 70th birthdays! She cut our cakes, which were made in the shape of the Kilbreda Tower and Badge.
We all appreciated and enjoyed June’s presence at our celebration. This year we listened to some poetry written by another of June’s past students, Helen Wilson. Helen was one of a group of Kilbreda students who attended June and Tom Gogan’s wedding. Helen has written an anthology of poems for June, one of which is dedicated to her wedding day. After the reading, June told us the story of meeting her husband Tom. As she did so we were transported back in time when June entranced us with her story telling and educational explanations.
When we gather on these occasions we all comment on how we have grown close again in these last few years. We enjoy each other’s company again after spending many years in many different pursuits and when someone is unable to attend they are genuinely missed. To have June join us and share friendship as mature women is very, very special and we thank her for being with us on these days.
Thank you Kilbreda for encouraging past students to use your premises for these occasions. Relaxed conversation is greatly facilitated by the use of a dedicated room in a place that holds many happy memories for us. Special thanks go to Denise Leonard for organising the booking and the catering, which is always superb.
If anyone reading knows of past students who attended in these years please let them know we meet regularly and that they can contact Denise Leonard (Morrissey) to be a part of out gatherings: 9772 4053 or by email at denise127@optusnet.com.au
Mauricette Hamilton nee Duffy