From the Co-Principals

Kilbreda Past Pupils are everywhere!
It seems now that everywhere we go we meet past Kilbreda students, all with a story to tell of their time at the College. Whether at a School Tour, an Information Evening, Grandparents' Morning Tea, when visiting local parishes or in the nearby shopping strip, we have been greeted and welcomed by people willing to share their Kilbreda stories. There is a common theme to all, wonderful memories of the Brigidine Sisters, teachers, friends and experiences. It is very appropriate that the newsletter that connects you all is named Tower Talk; the view and excitement of visits up the tower are often referred to. It is a talking point in our community. You can never underestimate the value of past pupils remaining connected to their school; after all, each one of you has played your part in the history of this great college.
Over recent years at Kilbreda, at the final Year 12 assembly, Year 12 and Year 7 students enter the hall side by side and the Year 7 students present their Year 12 “partner” with a flower. For us, watching the girls enter the hall was a powerful moment. The symbolism of farewelling our first Year 12 cohort who stood alongside the first group we will see through to Year 12 as Co-Principals was humbling to say the very least. We are very proud to stand on the shoulders of the 14 principals who have gone before us since Kilbreda opened its doors in 1904 with just three students. In 2016, we are a thriving faith community with a student population of 973!
As the end of the 2016 school year draws to a close, we reflect on the year that has been. One of our priorities this year was to get to know the culture and the people and to learn about the history of the College and Brigidine tradition. With that in mind we met with every staff member, teaching and non-teaching, to get a sense of what was important about Kilbreda and what makes people want to be here. The common themes repeated were: our commitment to social justice and Brigidine values; the collegiality of staff and the wonderful students. When talking about students, staff would refer to the welcoming, friendly, ‘have a go’ and ‘get involved’ nature of our girls. We are sure that the same would have been said of you, the readers of Tower Talk!
When talking to past pupils, they inevitably mention the inspirational Brigidine role models, commitment to social justice and their love of the school. They speak fondly of respectful and caring relationships with teachers. We are confident that at reunions there would be many fond memories shared when reminiscing about school days and the teachers who played such a significant role during student’s time at the College. This year, the College will farewell three long serving staff members who are retiring from Catholic Education: Mrs Margaret Hameister (1983), Mr Tony Mangan (1987) and Mrs Dawn Schurmann (1990). Each of these individuals has made a significant contribution to Kilbreda College and to the education of a very large number of students. On your behalf, we say a heartfelt “thank you” and wish them every blessing for fulfilment in the next stage of their lives.
We are reminded that:
A teacher affects eternity; they can never tell where their influence stops (Henry Adams)
We thank you all for your continued support of Kilbreda College and remind you again that once a Kilbreda girl, always a Kilbreda girl; you are always welcome here!
We wish you and your loved ones a Christ filled Christmas and best wishes for the New Year!
Teresa Lincoln & Nicole Mangelsdorf