Senior School

Safer Internet Day 2019


Safer Internet Day is an annual, worldwide event. This year it was held on Tuesday 5 February. The aim of the day is to help encourage a better internet, with this year's theme—'Together for a better internet' encouraging individuals to create a better internet by developing critical skills for life online. This week in Senior school we spent some time learning about being good digital citizens and using the internet safely.

Many of our students list their favourite pastimes as those spent online (watching You Tube, playing Fortnite, etc). We urge all parents to carefully monitor your child’s online interactions. The Office of the eSafety Commissioner ( provide a wealth of resources for parents to learn about online safety. In particular, we ask that all parents are familiar with the recommendations regarding social media use for children under the age of 13. A comprehensive explanation of this recommendation can be found by clicking on the following link.

Some important points made by the Office for the eSafety Commissioner are:

  • If you think your child will become very upset if they have a negative experience online, then you may need you to guide them through the use of social platforms.
  • If you give them permission to establish a social media account, then look through their profiles and public feeds together, talk about how some people behave differently online and teach them how to filter abusive comments, block and report people.
  • Explaining to a child why privacy is important can be difficult. We suggest explaining what personal information is and that it can also include their mobile number, pictures, workplace name and shifts, sporting club and game schedule, holiday dates, credit card details and banking information.

We thank you for working with us to help your children become safe and responsible internet users.