From the AP...

Welcome Back!

What a great start to 2019 our school has had. It is terrific to see our students so enthusiastic and ready to what will be another productive year at Kilsyth Primary School. The school is looking fresh and the positive vibe in the classroom is terrific.

Being Boys

Next week the Middle School boys will start the Being Boys program.

‘Being Boys’ is a 7 week program that aims to assist boys to learn more about identity, self-esteem, managing feelings, communication, relationships and much more.  There is no charge to families for this program. The group will provide participants to learn a range of skills to assist them to better deal with issues while also having some fun in the process.

Being Boys has a foundation of personal growth; aiming to encourage boys to develop skills and confidence in healthy communication, reflection and self responsibility. The group process encourages participants to practice what they learn by having respectful communication with parents and family along with those at school and other social settings. The skills developed by group work participants are transferable and can be something that will support them through to adulthood.

Information and Permission notices went out this week. 

Welcome Morning Tea

In partnership with Japara House we would like to invite our school community parents to come to a morning tea. It will be a good opportunity to welcome new parents and catch up with friends.

Japara house have kindly offered to supply morning tea.

Date: Thursday 28th February @ 9.30am (after Breaky Club)

Where: Multi-Purpose Room

Notices will go out soon.