Student Awards

Friday 1st February

Junior B        Ethan

What a terrific start to Year 1 Ethan. You are an engaged learner who gives your best to all tasks. Keep up the great work!


Middle A

Congratulations on a fantastic first week of school. You have shown excellence with your work over the past few days. I look forward to teaching you this year! Well done!


Middle B

Thank you Middle B on such a lovely, respectful welcome to Kilsyth Primary School. Well done on creating a fantastic learning environment and taking responsibility for your learning as individuals. Great job!


Middle C

Congratulations on a fantastic first week of school. It has been great to see you all using excellence, resilience and respect within our classroom while setting up our new year. Keep it up!


Senior A   Andy

It's great to see how you have settled in during our first week. You have given new things a go even when they have seemed hard at first. Well done on making a great start to the year!


Senior B          Luke

What a fantastic start to your last year of primary school Luke! You have shown excellence and respect consistently and are really demonstrating the qualities of a leader. Well done Luke, keep up the fabulous effort!