Teaching and Learning

Room 2


Welcome everyone to Room 2!! We have been busy learning about patterns in maths. We learnt that patterns are a series or sequence that repeats and they are based on a certain rule. 

The children loved experimenting with different objects to make all sorts of patterns. In our first lessons we made them with colours, pictures, little toy figurines, and shiny and non-shiny objects. We also learnt that patterns are everywhere, especially in the environment. Maybe next time you’re on the way to school or work you can try and spot some! 




Did you know that people in Japan visit Shrines at New Year and purchase an 'Ema board' which is a Japanese wishing plaque? People then write a wish for the year to come on the back of the board. The 'Ema' is left to hang with many other 'Ema' at the Shrine. People from all over the world visit and add their wishes.


Room 11 & 14 have been researching some Japanese New Year traditions and they made their own 'Ema' out of balsa wood. They designed their own image on the front and then chose a wish for the back. 


We have them hanging in the front office so why not pop in and have a look at them!



Natasha Gilbert



In Science, students from Room 4, 5, 8 and 15 were investigating the impact of pushing and pulling hula hops in different ways. R/1 classes looked at how rolling different objects down a ramp change depending on the size and mass of the object. Rooms 11, 12 and 14 are learning about renewable energy such a solar panels and wind turbines and learning how to create a circuit using a solar panel as the power source. Rooms 7, 9 and 10 have been learning about gravity and doing different tasks to demonstrate how gravity is an invisible force that pulls objects to the ground.