Mellor 1/2- Maths


Mathematics in Semester 2 across all Year 1/2 classes will focus on the areas of number and measurement. We will be explicitly teaching the concept and developing children's understanding around capacity and time. Children will inquire into their learning through mental routines and real life problematised situations, making their learning experiences purposeful and fun.

Reflection continues to be fundamental at the end of maths learning, consolidating children's understanding of concepts introduced.


Expected skills, knowledge, understandings, fluency, problem-solving and reasoning for Semester 2


Number and Place Value

Recognise, describe and order Australian coins according to their value


Represent and solve simple addition and subtraction problems using a range of strategies including counting on, partitioning and rearranging parts (introduce arrays)


Patterns and Algebra

Recognise and interpret common uses of halves, quarters and eighths of shapes and collections


Using Units Of Measure

Tell time to the half-hour


Recognise and classify familiar two-dimensional shapes and three-dimensional objects using obvious features (incorporate digital technologies)


Give and follow directions to familiar locations


Statistics and Probability


Identify outcomes of familiar events involving chance and describe them using everyday language such as ‘will happen’, ‘won’t happen’ or ‘might happen’


Choose simple questions and gather responses and make simple inferences


Expected skills, knowledge, understandings, fluency, problem-solving and reasoning for Semester 2

Number and Place Value​

Count and order small collections of Australian coins and notes according to their value


Recognise and represent division as grouping into equal sets and solve simple problems using these representations


Patterns and Algebra

Recognise and interpret common uses of halves, quarters and eighths of shapes and collections


Recognise and represent multiplication as repeated addition, groups and arrays


Using Units Of Measure

Tell time to the quarter-hour, using the language of 'past' and 'to'


Describe and draw two-dimensional shapes, with and without digital technologies


Describe the features of three-dimensional objects


Investigate the effect of one-step slides and flips with and without digital technologies


Identify and describe half and quarter turns


Interpret simple maps of familiar locations and identify the relative positions of key features


Statistics and Probability

Identify practical activities and everyday events that involve chance. Describe outcomes as ‘likely’ or ‘unlikely’ and identify some events as ‘certain’ or ‘impossible'  


Collect, check and classify data


Create displays of data using lists, table and picture graphs and interpret them


All Mellor Year 1/2 children are involved in the Secret Code Club three times a week. These three 30 minutes sessions target the essential  Secret code strategies,  to develop childrens mathematical knowledge and understanding. Secret Code strategies include  Subitising, Counting On, Rainbow Facts, Doubling and Halving, Place Value and Number Splitting.


It is important that we continue to build childrens technical vocabulary, giving children the language to explain their mathematical thinking to others. 


Capacity Vocabulary

full, half full, empty, holds more, holds less,  container

capacity, litre (l ), half-litre, millilitre (ml)


Time Vocabulary

Monday, Tuesday…

day, week, weekend,  fortnight, month, year,

birthday, holiday

months of the year: January, February…

seasons: Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter


Patterns, Shape and Space Vocabulary

shape, pattern

flat, curved, straight, round

hollow, solid

corner, point, pointed

face, side, edge, end


make, build, draw
