8A History

This term, students in 8A (Ms Perryman's class) were asked to investigate a particular topic they were interested in, for their Medieval Europe CAT and to create something that reflected their research.


For my History CAT, I focused on Medieval Music and for my creative section, I created a hurdy-gurdy. It took me about 12 hours to construct.

Erin Allison


For my Year 8 History CAT, I focused on torture in  Medieval Times.


For the creative part, I made the iron chair that was used to torture witches in Medieval Europe. I made this from structural pine and plywood.  The spikes are made of dowel and the restraints, are fully functional.

Alissa Cranwell


For our Humanities CAT, we re-created dresses from the Medieval Times, but only the peasants and monarchs.


The dresses that the peasants wore, compared to the princess’ clothing, demonstrated the difference between the classes of the feudal system and the type of clothing they could afford.

Siobhan Pullen and Julia Bidinost


Our topic, for our Year 8 history CAT was the Medieval Hierarchy, but we focused mostly on the housing for the different classes in this time.


We created houses for three classes; peasants, merchants and the monarch, as well as a slideshow to talk about the similarities and differences between the classes in more depth.


These all showed the difference between lifestyle and quality of the three classes and how this affected people's lives.

Caitlin Atwill and Maddie Laven