The Arrowsmith Program

Head of Arrowsmith


Head of the Arrowsmith Program


Student Voice

"My name is Elianna Ben-David and I am currently in Year 10 and have been doing the Arrowsmith program for one year now. I started the program last year with hopes that Arrowsmith would help me to be the greatest I could be. One year into the program, I can already say that it has really helped me to achieve everything I have wanted to do so far.


Before Arrowsmith, I probably would not even have offered to speak in front of people. I could not sit to take a test and write assessments in English or any of my other subjects. I could not easily make friends before Arrowsmith.


Now, after being in the Arrowsmith Program, I can see so many changes in myself they are hard to count. But the biggest change I have seen in myself is that my confidence has taken a big leap in trying something new. For the first time ever, I am comfortable speaking in public and in front of my peers.


Academically, I am getting higher marks in both of my other mainstream subjects. Im understanding English and Science classes better, and am thrilled to be achieving results in my formal assessments that I could not have even dreamt of attaining in the past. This has been huge for me and for my self-belief.


Another shift I’ve noticed and others have mentioned to me, is an improvement in my ability to express myself to find the right words at the right time.


Barbara Arrowsmith had a dream and I am living proof that dreams can come true."