Classroom News

Room 32
Leaf Challenge
In our science topic "Amongst The Gum Trees", we looked at the features of Eucalypt trees and their life cycles.
We were given a challenge.
Design and build a prototype of a tool that will efficiently pick up leaves.
Our tool had to pick up the most amount of leaves in a time limit.
We could not touch the leaves with our hands.
The tool had to be operated by two users or less and could not use more than 10 materials to make.
We came up with some very different and interesting prototypes.
Room 3
Adelaide Zoo Excursion!
This term for Science we have been focusing on the topic of ‘Staying Alive’. On Thursday all of the reception classes went to the Adelaide Zoo for an excursion. During our time there, the students had a chance to have a tour around the zoo. They then went to an information session about Life Cycles, which allowed them to have a better understanding of the different ways animals grow and develop. A big thank you to all the parents that were able to come along and help out for the day!
Room 20
Mathematics in Room 20 has been interesting. We have been looking at gathering and recording mathematical data. We needed to sort objects in several ways and record the results visually. We also gathered data from rooms 19 and 20. We collected data on what coloured cars we have at home. We found that using a tally helped us to skip count in 5s and that it was an easy way to record our final amounts. We then graphed our results and discovered that most people in rooms 19 and 20 have black cars. In our next lesson we will be conducting our own investigations based on our own choice and then present our findings on these investigations to the class.
Room 22
In Mathematics, we have been working on measurement. In this task, students were asked to create a magic potion for a secret wizard or witch. The volume of the potion needed to be exactly 600ml. Students had to use six ingredients and work out the measurement of each. Some of the potions had ingredients such as eyeballs, dog fur, hearts, and human brains.
The ZoneRoom 26 + 27
In rooms 26 and 27 we have been learning about different types of poetry and poetic techniques. Here are some of our examples:
The Blue Shoe
There once was a shoe that was blue,
It had many great owners, too.
But there was one who was vile,
He wore him for a while,
It made him a stinky blue shoe.
By Jake
An Ode to Burnt Toast
Oh, burnt toast!
You make me feel like I’ve been thrown in a hole,
You are the ball and chain preventing me from freedom.
Your black colour reminds me of loneliness,
My tongue is tortured with every bite.
I feel sick just in your presence,
Your stench is worse than a water-logged ferret.
Oh, how I despise you!
By Colby
Australian Drought
By Erin
As I stood on the warm sand,
I pull out my kite.
I climb so high up,
To get to the highest height.
My kite starts to soar,
As it gets picked up by the wind.
“It’s flying” my sister called,
But I hope it won’t get pinned.
By Taya
Frosty Night
Friday night Christmas
Stormy blizzard, howling cold
Frosty like icecream
By Brody
Autumn Leaves
In Autumn leaves fall
Leaves fall down, gracefully down
Orange, red, yellow
By Sienna