Achievement Awards

At our assemblies some students receive special awards. This is recognition of their achievements as identified by members of staff. Congratulations to the following students.
Room 3 - Jonni - For being persistent and always trying his best
Room 3 - Briana - For always being a respectful member of the class and helping others
Room 4 - Charli - For being a responsible member of the class
Room 4 - Chris - For being persistent in all areas of his learning
Room 5 - Michael - For having a persistent attitude towards his literacy
Room 5 - Callum - For being a respectful class member and always using his manners
Room 5A - Seayong - For showing persistence with his writing
Room 5A - Cassady - For being a respectful class member and always using her manners
Room 10 - Amaya - For being a respectful member of the classroom and helping others
Room 10 - Jesslyn - For showing persistence in her learning
Room 11 - Emma - For demonstrating persistence in all areas of her learning
Room 11 - Luke - For taking more responsibility of his learning
Room 13 - Alexis - Persistence in writing and showing great improvement
Room 13 - Zeke - For taking responsibility with his learning and making strong choices in the classroom
Room 14 - Macey - For being responsible and persistent in class with her learning
Room 14 - Jackson - For being persistent with his learning
Room 16 - Dakota - Persistence in reading and showing great improvement
Room 16 - Bohdi - Persistence in reading and showing great improvement
Room 17 - Rhys - For always taking responsibility for his learning choices within the classroom
Room 17 - Harper - For showing persistence with his spelling each week
Room 19 - Tama - For showing persistence with his spelling each week
Room 19 - Emma - For being a responsible class member and helping others
Room 20 - Emma - For being a respectful class member and always being kind towards others
Room 20 - Beth - For being a responsible class member and demonstrating persistence towards learning
Room 22 - Imi - For demonstrating responsibility in her morning routine
Room 22 - Aidan - For demonstrating persistence in all areas of his learning
Room 23 - Milly - Demonstrating respect by always being kind and caring towards her peers
Room 23 - Deegan - Demonstrating persistence in his handwriting
Room 26 - Sienna - For demonstrating persistence in all areas of her learning
Room 26 - Jake - For always taking responsibility for his learning choices within the classroom
Room 27 - Kira - For persisting with her learning in all curriculum areas
Room 27 - Tai - For constantly showing respect to his peers and embracing every learning opportunity
Room 29 - Cyrano - For displaying persistence in maths activities
Room 29 - Keirra - For displaying persistence in art by producing detailed high quality drawings
Room 30 - Emma-Lee - For being persistent and improving in her reading
Room 30 - Hunter - For having a persistent attitude in all learning areas
Room 31 - Amelie - For showing persistence and leadership within the classroom
Room 31 - Oliver - For showing respect to all members of the school community
Room 32 - Imogen - For persistent efforts in maths tasks
Room 32 - Connor - For persisting and working hard to improve his handwriting
Room 33 - Ethan - Demonstrating persistence and a growth mindset in maths
Room 33 - Lili - Demonstrating respect in class discussions and conversations
Indonesian - Platform 9 (Room 13 + 14) - For always being persistent and enthusiastic towards their Indonesian learning
HASS - Room 26 + 27 - Demonstrating respect when holding a mock referendum
Health - Room 33 - For showing continued positivity and effort in health lessons
OSHC Award - Zara - Room 14
For always having a positive and friendly attitude towards her peers