School News

Environment Group News
In term 2, the Port Adelaide Enfield Council assisted us in preparing for a verge garden by digging out 20cm of soil near the Centre Street Entrance. We then brought in some gypsum, compost and soil, which the Environment Group spread out evenly in order to prepare for the planting.
The planting occurred on Tuesday lunchtime, with 45 indigenous grasses being inserted into the verge area. This project was planned out by James Tate and Willis Lienert from Year 7. Congratulations to those boys on their efforts and the rest of the Environment Group for their ongoing commitment to making our school cleaner and greener.
Let's Reduce the Litter
On Wednesday, Athan, Dash, Mason and Hamish spent their afternoon collecting, sorting and counting the litter around our school. In total, there were 309 items of litter collected, including 32 chip packets and 52 muesli bar packets.
They are going to graph this result, and then clean up the yard again in two weeks. We are looking for a big reduction in the amount of litter in this time. Let's make it easy for the boys next time by making sure our litter goes in the right place.
Shaping-up for the Summer
The cold winter months are coming to an end, and that means it is time to shape ourselves up for summer. The fruit trees along the front of the school have required a trim in order to develop the shape needed to let in light and develop growth in the right places to enhance fruiting.
On Wednesday morning, the PT (Pruning Trainer as opposed to Physical Trainer) provided pruning instruction to various Environmental Officers. Trish, a parent of the school, taught the students which limbs could be removed, the safe way to prune (for both the tree and student), and how to tip prune in order to encourage growth and fruiting.
Thanks Trish for the great advice, and we look forward to our trees being in tip-top condition come the fruity summer season.
Growing with Gratitude
Today the Adelaide Crows presented the wellness programme, “Growing with Gratitude- 5 Habits of Happiness”.
The Growing with Gratitude Program aims to help teachers, students and families easily develop the habits of gratitude, kindness and mindfulness that have been identified as the stepping stones to greater happiness and success.
Teaching children these skills as early as possible in their journey helps them develop greater resilience, builds their emotional and physical wellbeing, and promotes positive thoughts and habits.
The program is based around learning the Five Habits of Happiness, and can be completed by children in every primary year level with their teachers or with their parents at home (see the Families page for more information on the Home Grown Gratitude program designed especially for parents).
The program is linked with the Australian Curriculum (ACARA): Health and PE.
UNSW Competition Results
Results have just come in for the following ICAS Competitions. Congratulations to the following students. Certificates will be handed out in the week 5 assembly.
UNSW ICAS Digital Technologies Competition
Congratulations to
Year 3 Noah P – Credit
Year 4 Bethany – Credit, Lili – Credit
Year 5 Nicholas- Credit
Year 7 Matthew - Distinction
UNSW ICAS Science Competition
Year 4 Ava – Credit, Bethany – Merit
Year 6 Taiga – Merit
Year 7 Matthew - Credit
UNSW ICAS Spelling Competition
Year 3 Finnian – Credit
Year 4 Xander – Credit, William – Merit
Year 5 Caitlin F- Credit, Liam – Credit, Maya – Distinction
Year 6 Colby - Merit