News From the Principal

Dear Families,
Welcome back to Term 3. Once again, the children have settled quickly into their routines and it has been a great start to the term. We are looking forward to another exciting 10 weeks.
Canberra Trip
Next week, 90 of our Year 6/7 students will be undertaking a tour of the National Capital. Students will be given the opportunity to participate in a variety of educational programs with a focus on Australia’s history, culture, heritage and democracy.
The Australian Government recognises the importance of all young Australians being able to visit the National Capital as part of their Civics and Citizenship education. To assist families in meeting the cost of the excursion the Australian Government is contributing funding of $60 per student under the Parliament and Civics Education Rebate program towards those costs. The rebate is paid directly to the school upon completion of the excursion. We factored this rebate into the original costings.
We are all looking forward to an exciting trip!!!!! During my & Bob’s absence, Karen Smith will be site leader.
Second-hand Uniform Sale
I would like to thank Tania and Simon Hill who put a tremendous amount of work into making the second hand uniform sale such a great success. All money raised will go back into the school to support the children.
Thank you also to the families that supported the sale and I hope it has been beneficial to all those involved.
We will have another sale at the end of the term.
Woolworths Earn & Learn
Woolworths are again running their “Earn and Learn” Advertising Campaign and we are only too happy to benefit! If you already shop there or know someone who does, please bring the stickers in and place them in the box in the Front Office. You can stick them on an official Sticker Sheet or just put them in as is. We have asked the students to continue to support our local shops if that is what their family usually does. Any rewards reaped will go towards lunchtime equipment for use in the library, outside and during special events.
STEM Upgrade
Last week work began on our upgrade of the Green room. Demolition has progressed quickly. The noisy work will take place on Saturday’s so that disruptions are kept to a minimum.
The timeline for completion is 16 weeks but it is hoped that this may occur slightly earlier.
The DECD Learning Strategy is aimed at enabling students at every level of schooling to develop knowledge, skills and understanding in STEM subjects and to apply that learning to shape their world. Students will experience these subjects and apply their skills in new ways using collaboration, problem-solving and interdisciplinary thinking.
Below is the current demolition as well as a plan of the new area.
Regards Mike