Literacy News

2023 is looking exciting on the Literacy calendar at SKiPPS. As well as all the traditional events such as Book Week and Education Week, we have some fun, new things to enjoy this year.


Poetry Week will be celebrated in Week 9 of Term 1 so start collecting any favourite poems you have as there will be some fun opportunities to share them with your classmates. 


This year also marks our first time participating in the Prime Minister’s Spelling Bee which will be happening in Term 3. Entry will be student choice and will be open to all students in Years 3-6. It is a good time to start a conversation with your child/ren as to whether participating in the Spelling Bee is something they may be interested in.


Daily SMART Spelling sessions will commence once classes have completed their CAPSE (Creating A Positive School Environment) programs. 


Classroom Libraries will continue to be developed with new books making their way onto the shelves throughout this term. We are hoping to build books around the theme of ‘environment and sustainability’ along with plenty of new fiction stories as well.

As always, we have loads of books that would benefit from being contacted. If contacting is something that you enjoy or, at least get satisfaction from, then please let your child’s teacher know or come and see me.


Feel free to contact me with any questions regarding anything Literacy on


A call out to all students to let me know of any favourite books they enjoyed over the holidays, I love chatting about great books and perhaps we can put some on the shopping list for the classrooms so other students can enjoy them too.


Jac Morphy

Literacy Leader