
Welcome back to another year.

The Wellbeing team is in full flight making sure that all students have returned to the new school year feeling safe, supported, and included in the community.


It’s great to see our students back at school talking, laughing, and getting to know each other. We’ve had many new and old initiatives back up and running. Our Hands on Learning classes returned in Week 3 with some new and old faces and are already embarking on a number of fantastic projects. We also formally announced our school captains at assembly on day one, after their elections at the end of last year. Our captains will be running each assembly, splitting the duties between them, and we look to their leadership school-wide. Our SRC nominations have finished and we also have a number of SRC representatives from across the school. Our SRC have jumped straight into organising, planning, and innovating new initiatives for the school. You’ll see and hear about some of these as the year progresses. And finally on student leadership, we have our sport captain and culture captain for the school, who will support and develop the sporting life of the school and the music, drama, and performance life of the school. We look forward to their contributions throughout the year.


We have Harmony Week coming up in the week of 20 March. Harmony Week is celebrated Australia wide with a focus on multicultural experiences. We are putting a call out here for any families who may want to contribute to these celebrations. Your family might like to contribute some multicultural food, perform a cultural dance, tell a cultural story, share some cultural clothing, or speak about your multicultural experience in Australia. If any families are interested, or know anyone in the community who would add value to this event, please email through your ideas and let me know ben.kilby@education.vic.gov.au


We have many new foundation students beginning their school journey. Our newest little humans are exploring, wondering, and finding their way in a big new environment. It can be a confronting and confusing time to be dropped into a big school after a small kindergarten, luckily we have wonderful families to support our young people at home and wonderful staff to help them succeed at school. If you’re thinking about the best ways to ensure your child is growing and developing so that they’ll also be ready to start school, you may like to check out this short video from an (aspiring) neuroscientist




Ben Kilby

Well Being