Community News

New Bell Times
We will be moving from a four to a five period day in 2023. Our new bell times can be found below.
Year 7 Students Only Locker Bell | 08:35 - 08:45 am |
Year 7 Home Group | 08:45 - 08:53 am |
Locker Bell All Other Year Levels | 8:45 am - 8:55 am |
Period 1 | 8:55 am - 9:55 am |
Change Over | 9:55 am - 9:59 am |
Period 2 | 9:59 am - 10:59 am |
Recess | 10:59 am - 11:21 am |
Locker Bell | 11:21 am - 11:26 am |
Period 3 | 11:26 am - 12:26 pm |
Change Over | 12:26 pm - 12:30 pm |
Period 4 | 12:30 pm - 1:30 pm |
Lunch | 1:30 pm - 2:10 pm |
Locker Bell | 2:10 pm - 2:15 pm |
Period 5 | 2:15 pm - 3:15 pm |
Year 7 Home Group Program 2023 Trial
Next year we will be embarking on a Trial Year 7 Home Group Program. One of the main aims of this Home Group Program is to further develop positive connections for Year 7 students and our school, as well as to assist Year 7 students with their transition from primary to secondary school.
Please note that as a result of this important trial, Year 7 students will be required at school each day for an 8:35am Locker Bell. Year 7 Home Group will then commence at 8:45 am and last for 8 minutes allowing Year 7 students to then access Period 1 with all other students at the College for 8:55 am.
Staying Safe from Mosquitoes
After heavy rainfall, mosquitoes can grow and spread in the pools of water left behind. While the overall risk is low, some mosquitoes carry diseases that are spread through their bites. Mosquitoes are more active at dusk and dawn, but some will also bite during the day. The best way to prevent mosquito-borne diseases is to avoid mosquito bites.
When mosquitoes are prevalent and cannot be avoided families can protect against mosquito bites by:
- Covering up as much as possible with long, loose-fitting, light-coloured clothing
- Applying insect repellent that contains picaridin or DEET on exposed skin when leaving home
- Limiting outdoor activity if lots of mosquitoes are active
For further information please visit the following:
- Better Health Channel information about preventing mosquito-borne diseases
- A handy checklist to help reduce mosquito breeding sites at home
- Department of Health Safety Advice for flood-affected areas, in a range of languages
No Interest Loans for School Expenses
With the new school year fast approaching, many parents and carers will struggle to cover the cost of essential school items. This additional stress on families is especially difficult for those already experiencing financial hardship.
Every year, Echo Youth and Family Services help parents and carers on low incomes across Victoria (in particular those on Centrelink) to apply for a NILs loan of up to $2000 with no interest, no fees, no charges, ever, to cover the cost of essential school items such as uniforms, books, laptops, stationery, school camps, and musical instruments (as well as other essentials such as washing machines, fridges, car repairs, medical and dental expenses).
What is a NILs loan?
A NILs loan is a safe, affordable alternative to high-interest payday loans or rent-to-buy leases. It’s not a payday loan or a bank loan but a form of ‘circular community credit'. This means when a borrower makes a repayment to NILs, the funds are then released to someone else in the community. NILs is supported by not-for-profit Good Shepherd Australia New Zealand, with funding from the Australian Government in partnership with the NAB.
Parents can find out more information about NILs by contacting:
South East NILs
Mobile: 0427895596
South East NILs – ECHO Youth and Family Services
Pakenham Roads Upgrade
Major Road Projects Victoria are upgrading the interchanges at McGregor and Healesville-Koo Wee Rup roads in Pakenham, reducing congestion and making it easier to get on and off the Princes Freeway.
Disruptions and community information
Major Road Projects Victoria would like to keep the school community informed on the construction of the Pakenham Roads Upgrade including any traffic disruptions during the course of the upgrades.
Please click here to read a fact sheet regarding the upgrades.
Pakenham Level Crossing Removal Project
The Pakenham Level Crossing project is well underway. As part of the works the pedestrian crossings will be closed intermittently at McGregor Road over the next few months. Please note that only one crossing will be closed at a time and detour pedestrians to the side that is open.
Detour signs have been placed, as well as “caution pedestrians crossing” signs, in the area.
Below you will find the latest construction update and the detour map routes for your information.
Detour Maps
Click here to see the latest construction update
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