CEPS Kids are

Friendly Kids

This term we are working on RESPONSIBILITY 

and next week we are looking at




At this time of the year as our school year draws to a close it is a good time for reflecting. Reflecting means that we look back on the year and try to think about all of the things that have gone well for us, all we have learnt and all we are proud of. 


It is worth spending some time to figure out why these things have been successful. What have we done, and what should we continue to do to build on these achievements? 


At the same time we can think of those things that may not have been as successful as we would have liked, or have in fact been disappointing. If things have not been great, it will be useful to try to understand why, and then think of what we might do in the future to improve these situations. 


Of course some things, good and bad, are out of our control and we simply have to accept this situation. But for those things we can control, we do need to understand what our role is and how we can improve.  That is why reflecting is worthwhile. It doesn’t just happen. We have to do it! 


This week spend some time reflecting. You might want to make a list of the good things, the bad and the in-between and try to work out what are those things you can control and those you can’t. Perhaps then you can choose one or two things to improve next year. All the best.






The above students were rewarded with a CEPS award for 'leadership' skills

This term's Value is RESPONSIBILTY.




The above students were rewarded as our Value Ambassadors for the week.  The students worked very hard during the week representing all of our school values - COURTESY  RESPECT  CO-OPERATION  and RESPONSIBILITY.