Term Dates/Important Dates

2023 Term Dates

2023 Term Dates

Term 1 - Tuesday 31 January- Thursday 6th April

Term 2  -  Monday  24th April - Friday 23rd June

Term 3 -  Monday 10th July - Friday 15th September

Term 4 -  Monday 2nd October - Wednesday 20th December


Term 1-



Wednesday 1st

Hats to remember


Monday 6th

Lunch Orders Begin (see From the Office for details)

Grade 5/6 Open Water Form and payment due


Tuesday  7th

Open Water Learning Gr 5-6 - Kyabram


Wednesday 8th

Prep Rest Day


Monday 13th

Whole School Assembly  2.30pm - Centre


Wednesday 15th

Prep Rest Day

Richmond Football Club Visit (3-6)


Thursday 16th

Student Led Conference

( students required to wear full school uniform and attend for their appointment time only)


Thursday 23rd

Grade 3/6 Swimming Carnival