News from the 1/2 community

News from the 1/2 Community


Last week we had the pleasure of learning with Lionel and Skyla from Living Culture.


Lionel taught us about Indigenous culture and history, and we got to hold some special aretfacts like boomerangs, shields, hand-made ropes and the first football, called a Marngrook. He played the Yidaki to us and talked about traditions his ancestors participated in.


Skyla did an art lesson with us, teaching us traditional Indigenous symbols for animals and people, and Aboriginal patterns called ‘etching’. She even taught us some deadly dance moves!


We learned about respect in Indigenous culture and how they don’t have words for ‘please’ or ‘thankyou’ in their languages, because manners are just expected. 


Thank you Lionel and Skyla for teaching us about your culture and history, we hope to see you again at St Joseph’s soon!

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