Faith at St Joseph's...

This Wednesday students from Year 3 will be participating in a Mass and Reconciliation Service at St. Peter’s Catholic Church, Shoreham.  We wish them blessings as they journey together, preparing their hearts and lives to celebrate a new hope, promised through the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Best wishes to Nicholas, Grace, Maia and Archie.


Together they will reflect on the ways in which they can live their best lives by examining their hearts. Through God’s forgiveness, they can change their hearts to make a brand new start and a whole new plan for their lives. Through the Sacrament of Reconciliation, they will ask for God’s grace and forgiveness as they open their hearts to God. 


As we continue on our Journey through Lent, our teachers and students learn about the Social Justice work that Caritas Australia does in Australia and around the world. Money raised through the Project Compassion Project helps these projects.  You children may wish to donate some of their pocket money to place in the money boxes in the classroom.


Here are our slides for this week


Fathering Project:

Weekly Dad Tips

All children and young people will experience anxiety at some stage. It's a natural reaction our bodies have to a challenging or stressful event, or when we are pushed outside our comfort zone.

Starting school can be a time of anxiety for children and young people, especially if they are starting school for the first time, changing schools, or transitioning into high school.

It is a normal response for your children to feel some degree of anxiety at this time, but should start to decrease as they settle in for the year. If you find it’s not subsiding, we encourage you to speak to your GP to develop a plan to treat and manage your child’s individual situation.

​​​​​​Top Tips

1. Keep a routine - Try to keep a calm structure and regular routine in your child's daily life. A good night's sleep is also really important. 2. Be actively involved - Showing a real interest in their daily life helps them feel secure and also makes it easier for you to spot when they need more support. 3. Be there to listen - Regularly check in to see how they are going, so they get used to talking about their feelings and know you will always listen and support.

Dad joke of the week



"My daughter asked me if I had seen the dog bowl. I said no, I didn't even know he could..."
