Year 5/6 Police Visit

Written by the year 5 Newsletter Team.

This morning, the grade 5/6 students got the privilege to meet two local police officers from our community. We began the day by thinking about some questions we want to ask the officers. We then went over to the basketball court to see the police car and two officers. 


First the officers gave us some background information about them being a police officer and the skills required to become one.  They also told us about some of the jobs they do including how often the police pull people over while driving, how they catch cars speeding, and much more interesting facts.


When they finished we got to ask all of the questions we thought about with our classmates. Some of the questions we asked were, “what is the best age to become an officer?”, the officers told us the ideal age was between 23-24 years, but any age is great.


We also got to see some of the gadgets that they use. There was OC spray to use when someone is threatening them, handcuffs to arrest people, torches to help them see in the dark and investigate, and more. One of our students also asked the police officers to see how many sirens there were, so they opened the door and showed us how many there were, there were lots. This was a great experience and we hope to have events like this again.