School News

It's that time again...

As the year draws to a close we would like to thank our staff, students and their families for a great year that saw the return of many of our usual activities. We wish you all a safe and enjoyable festive season and hope you all find some time to wind down and relax, before we get set to do it all again next year. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!


Thank You...

We would like to express our sincere thanks to the Blake family for their kind donation of 3 fish tanks for the school Science department, these much needed items will make a big difference.

We would also like to thank all the local businesses and community organisations who have gone above and beyond to support the college, our programs and our students over the course of 2022. Your support is an enormous help and allows us to offer our students many and varied opportunities throughout the year, enabling them to learn and grow to their full potential.

SRC Christmas Raffle

As a final hurrah for the year, our SRC team have been working diligently to organise a Christmas raffle, with the help of some local businesses who have kindly donated the prizes. Thank you to the following businesses for your generous donations:


Ryans Supa IGA Beaufort

The Beaufort Craft Shop

The Beaufort Christmas Shop

Beaufort Rural and Hardware

Beaufort Bakery

The Tangled Vine

Beaufort UFS Pharmacy

Beaufort News and Tatts

2023 School Leaders

We would like to extend our congratulations to our School Leaders for 2023.

School Captains: Jazz Tiley and Bria Moodie

Sport Captains: Ben Peacock and Emma Thompson

L - R Ben Peacock, Emma Thompson, Jaz Tiley and Bria Moodie with Principal, Karl Schier
L - R Ben Peacock, Emma Thompson, Jaz Tiley and Bria Moodie with Principal, Karl Schier