Across the Principal's Desk

2022 has been another successful year at Beaufort Secondary College, with a lot to celebrate along the way. However, we have also continued to deal with the sustained challenges that have come with COVID – we are no different to the rest of the world in that respect. It’s fair to say that it hasn’t been easy for staff, students and families but we have certainly given it our best and supported each other throughout – and we’ll keep doing that! 

I really admire the way in which so many members of our school community have demonstrated resilience and determination in working through the difficulties and remained focussed on the many positives – at school and in our homes lives. It may have been a rollercoaster ride but I am optimistic that the tracks will level out and, with a bit of luck, we may have fewer bumps as we work our way through the next school year. Whilst we will always work hard with our teaching and learning, we will also prioritise wellbeing for our students and school community to ensure we can create the best possible conditions for success.

It has been terrific to be able to reinstate some key events in our school calendar. 

Our camps and excursions have been a highlight for some, along with various sporting activities, and our frequent assemblies have given us the opportunity to come together to acknowledge many wonderful achievements across our school. Our Year 12 students have had their final three years of secondary school affected by COVID, so we must acknowledge and applaud them for persevering and completing their formal years of education! Congratulations!


Thank you to our staff for their incredible commitment to our students and our school in general – they really do an amazing job! Thanks also to our students for being such awesome young people to work with – you are the reason we do what we do! Thank you to our parents and broader school community for your support – we really do appreciate it! We look forward to 2023 because no matter what comes our way, together we will thrive.