Teaching and Learning 

Final Assembly

Next Tuesday, December 20th we will be celebrating the end of the year by coming together as a whole school for our final assembly of the year. The assembly will be held in the school gym and commences at 9am.


This assembly will include a chance for us to say goodbye to a number of staff who are leaving us at the end of the year, celebrate the graduates of 2023 by watching their graduation dance and award the Catherine King Community Award. At the conclusion of the assembly our Year 6’s will be farewelled with a guard of honour and the traditional tossing of the hats. 


Parents and other family members are most welcome to attend the assembly to celebrate the end of a fabulous year.                                                        

Parent Teacher interviews

A huge thank you to all families who were able to join their child’s classroom and specialist teachers yesterday afternoon for parent teacher Interviews. We will continue our second session of interviews will be held on Thursday afternoon from 1:30 -5 pm.  These interviews conclude the student reporting process for 2023. Hopefully, the discussions have led to reflections that identified the celebrations, challenges of 2022 and learning goals for 2023. We thank all parents for their support.

Parent Contribution Payments

On Friday, December 2nd, every family should have received a paper copy of the information regarding Parent Contributions for 2023 (sent home with students). This information outlines the details of the costs of supplies  and resources that children will have access to in the classroom throughout the year. 


We have had wonderful support from our parent community in the past for provision of the ongoing costs of providing curriculum resources for all students across the school and appreciate your support into the future.


Please contact the office if you did not receive this information or if you have any questions regarding Parent Contributions in general. 


A huge thankyou to those who have already paid the contribution; your support will ensure our learning programs will be as valuable and diverse in 2023 as they have been in the past.


Many thanks to all parents and carers for your support with homework throughout the year. Homework has now ceased for the remainder of the year.  We encourage everyone to continue reading and engaging with books over the holiday period, as well as any tasks that your child’s classroom teacher may have suggested in reports or parent teacher interviews that would be beneficial for your child.