Leadership & Management

Management encompasses the following areas: Organisation, Structures, Resource Management, Staff Wellbeing, and Professional Learning.

Week 2 Term 1


Dear Parent and Carers,


Welcome back to the 2023 school year. This the first of our official newsletter for the year. 

Welcome Foundation Class of 2023

A huge welcome to our Foundation students and their families who have joined the St Fidelis Community for the first time today. There were many large smiles from students, parents and teachers. The students looked so smart in their brand new St Fidelis' uniform. We wish them all the best as they begin this part of their learning journey.  


The first day of school is such an important milestone, one to cherish and hold on forever.  My hope and dream is that all the children and families that have joined our community for the first time enjoy and cherish the next seven years and beyond in our Parish and school community. I wish them well as they begin this part of their learning journey.  

Foundation Rest Days

The Foundation students have the following as rest days:

Wednesday 1st, 8th, 15th,  and 27th February


Mrs Wenckowski and Ms Alex will contact you when your child is required to come to school for a learning Assessment on one of these Wednesdays. This assessment is a general assessment to assist in determining starting points for Literacy and Numeracy for each child. All Foundation students are Full Time from Monday February 27th. 

Welcome New Staff to St Fidelis 

A very warm welcome to new staff to St Fidelis:

Ms Vicki Karalis (Year 1/2 Teacher)

Ms Vania Sparano (Year 1/2 Teacher) 

Ms Bianka Zorzut (Year 3/4 Teacher)

Ms Aoife O’Flynn (Year 5/6 Teacher) 

Ms Bianca Trewhella (Education Support Officer) 

Thank you to all staff

Thank you to all the staff who came in over the holidays to prepare their learning spaces for the children. We are very fortunate to have staff that use their personal time to ensure the Learning Environment is ready for the return of all the students. I wish to thank them for their dedication and commitment to all the students at St Fidelis. 

VIDEO LINK- Expectations & procedures & important information about your child's year level.

In Monday's Newsletter and SKOOLBAG there will be four year level links that you may open and view. The  links will provide information about your child's year level  expectation and procedures and any other relevant information for that year level for this year. This link does not have Curriculum Information. Curriculum Overviews are  made available in Week 2 or 3 of each term. 


Weekly Curriculum information about WHAT'S HAPPENING IN YOUR CHILD'S LEARNING SPACE is communicated each week by your child's teacher in the newsletter. 

If you have any questions about the information that you hear from your child's teacher you will have the opportunity on Wednesday February 8th at the Parent and Teacher meet and greet conversation to seek clarification. 


We are trialling this and would welcome any constructive feedback via email to principal@sfmoreland,catholic.edu.au

Keep Up To Date with School News!!! 

To ensure you keep up to date with school happenings, our newsletter is distributed each Monday via email, SkoolBag App and on the school's webpage.  You are strongly encouraged to read it each week so that you are continually informed about school events. 

Zooper Dooper Friday

Thank you to the Parents and Friends who organise for the selling of Zooper Doopers each Friday during Term One and Term Four for our students. 

Zooper Doopers will be sold at lunchtime for $1.00

Zooper Doopers will be available beginning this Friday 3rd February. 

SAVE THE DATE - Working Bee – Saturday March 4th

The School Advisory Maintenance team are requesting volunteers for Saturday, March 4.  If you can offer one or two hours, we would love to see you. More details will be published closer to the day. 

Whole School Prayer & Assembly 

At St Fidelis, we have two whole school assemblies weekly - Monday and Friday mornings. 


The main purpose of the school assembly is to develop a feeling of unity among all the students, teachers and parents. It is a gathering of all members of our school for different purposes.  In 2023, we will have two school assemblies per week.


In the warmer months, the Monday morning assembly will take place outdoors. This is a short assembly led by our School Leaders which includes praying our School Prayer, the singing of the National Anthem and communicating any reminders for the week. 


Our Friday Whole School Prayer is a longer assembly, where each class will be allocated a week to prepare a short liturgy for the school community, students of the week are presented, learnings from The Resilience Project are shared with the community and announcements.  All parents are encouraged to join Friday Morning assemblies.


Next Friday, February 10 at 8:50am, will be our first whole school assembly. It will be led by the Staff Leadership Team and the School Leaders will be presented with their badges. All parents and Carers are encouraged to attend this assembly. 


Their care are resuming their service for families who require before or afterschool care. Please refer to our OSCH page in the newsletter for booking details.  



A small number of students in our school suffer from allergies. A small number are anaphylactic. Ingesting foods such as nuts, eggs milk (any dairy) wheat, or chickpeas can cause a life threatening reaction. We ask that sandwich spreads such as Peanut Butter and Nutella are not sent in lunches, as these can be very sticky and remain on furniture and door handles. You are also asked to remind and explain to your children that food is not to be shared at school. 


In particular, families with children in Foundation to Year 2 are asked to remind their children of the importance of not sharing food and washing their hands after they have been to the toilet with the soap. Staff will be revisiting this safety practice and hygiene practice this week. 

Medical Conditions

It is important that we are aware of the children who have particular medical conditions. If your child does have a medical condition please notify the school immediately if you have not done so already.  Medical Action Plans are required to ensure the correct care can be administered in the case of a reaction or emergency.  This includes Anaphylaxis and Asthma Action plans.


Have a good week,
