Year 1



In Reading this term, the Grade 1 students enthusiastically completed an author study, which was based on the author Pamela Allen. Students started off by learning about Pamela Allen and who she is as a person and what kind of author she is. They were then introduced to different books written by her, where students applied a range of comprehension strategies to make meaning of her texts. These included analysing, inferring, making connections and critiquing. Some lessons focused on different aspects of the author’s craft, such as the characters, settings, problems, solutions, language features, illustrations and layouts of her texts. Throughout the unit, students had the opportunity to showcase their learning about Pamela Allen by completing various reading responses.

Students also had a chance to revise nonfiction texts that aligned with the topic of the fiction texts from the author study. This allowed the students to continue developing their understanding of the different types of nonfiction texts, how to read them and how to apply strategies to understand them.











In Term 4, Grade 1 students learnt how to write realistic narratives, where they focused on creating well structured stories with a clear beginning, middle, and end. During the unit, the students focused on character and setting development, as well as realistic problems that linked with an appropriate and realistic solution. 

Students then began looking at Explanation texts. During the unit students focused on creating non-fiction texts that described how and/or why things happened, or the process of how it worked. 

Throughout the term students also had a continual focus of ‘Sounds Write’ where they built on their knowledge of building, reading and writing words including focusing on a range of digraphs such as sh, ch, th and wh. 













In Term 4, Grade 1 students focused on a range of topics. Students began experimenting with different 3D shapes and their features, while having learnt to use vocabulary such as faces, edges and corners to describe them. Next students’ focused on Mass, where they were given the opportunity to identify how heavy or light an object is by hefting and using balance scales. After this, students’ moved onto fractions where they specifically looked at halves of shapes, real world objects and collections. The next maths topic focused on Location, where they had the opportunity to learn about directional language to give and follow directions. Then students’ explored capacity, where they were able to practice estimating and measuring how much different objects can hold. Lastly, students revised Place Value to extend their current knowledge and understanding of these topics.












The grade 1 students explored a unit titled Great Southern Land by exploring the natural spaces around the school. Firstly students went on a native scavenger hunt to find native vegetation, insects and or bird life. Followed by building a bio-square to hone into one small part of our natural environment.  These experiences aimed to engage students to explore, connect and deepen their understanding and feelings about special places, and the wider importance of places to all people and how places can be cared for.

We spent the remainder of the term finding out how Indigenous people maintain a special connection to Country/Place by designing an Acknowledgment of Country. Students were encouraged to be inspired by the natural world around them by looking closely, listening deeply and feeling with their heart to a meaningful Acknowledgement that reflected our local place. 





During term 4, the grade 1 students have focused on investigating how different materials can be combined and mixed for particular purposes.  Students have been learning about mixtures and solutions which are commonly used by children and adults; they have investigated which mixtures are often used at home, such as breakfast cereal, and have identified mixtures used around the school, such as glitter glue in Art. There has been a focus on identifying and describing the properties of everyday materials, and how the properties of materials can change when mixed with other materials. Students have had fun carrying out experiments to investigate the effects of mixing different materials, such as rice bubbles, icing sugar and coco and cornflour and water.  During these experiments, students have practiced their observation and recording skills which has enabled them to determine the outcome of the experiments.  Well done Grade 1’s on a fantastic year in Science!












LOTE - Chinese

 Congratulations on such a fantastic term Grade1’s, and amazing work throughout the whole year. In term 4, the main topic for Preps were clothes and other accessories, such as T-shirts, shorts, skirts, socks and shoes and so on. Students have finished their project through the whole term, and they will receive their rewards and special gifts in week 11. Meanwhile, traditional Chinese clothes have been introduced in this term and students get the chance to know what they look like. Also, they learnt male in China in the past were like girls that have long hair. Thanks for all your hard work Grade1’s ! 











There has been so much positive and expressive energy from the Year 1s in Term 4. The students have continued to apply and extend their knowledge of collaboration in making distinctive artworks. As part of this, we looked at shape, form and texture in art. Students worked with charcoal to create unique shells for the school library’s underwater display. We also ventured outside to add our handprint to an ongoing mural project and used our creativity to develop a chalk art community alongside it.

We had a great time early on in the term paper marbling. It was great to see the Year 1s embrace the process of printmaking and practise different methods of printing. Mid-term, we visited the National Gallery of Victoria, a learning-rich introduction to an important context for art. The students impressed the teaching and gallery staff with their maturity, insights, imagination, respect and reflective capacities. Besides favourite artworks, the enormous stained glass ceiling and water wall were highlights on the day!

Back in the art room, the students explored mixed media, artworks that are made using more than one art material or medium. Following discussions about what artworks can be made of and inspired by mixed media artist, Moses Sun, the students invented their own mixed media artworks. Following on, we considered themes or big ideas in art, taking up the challenge of creating a maze-themed artwork after viewing a variety of artworks related to our theme. Lastly, we read the storybook ‘I Love You More’, observing the impressive plasticine illustrations of Barbara Reid. We then emulated certain techniques of Reid’s in making our own clay scenes. It has been encouraging to see all students engaging with such purpose and showing real joy in their creations. Well done on a awesome year in Art Year 1s!




















During this term the grade 1 students have continued to develop the fundamental motor and movement skills in the sports of badminton, hockey, and netball. Students during term 4 have developed a range of skills related to all these sports and have begun to apply them in game-based situations. For these sports throwing, catching, and striking were mainly used and seen throughout. They have learnt how to follow the rules in these sports and are able to play in class games with their peers. Students in grade 1 are now on the path to continue to develop the skills used in various sports and will see continued development in grade 2. Throughout the term the students in grade 1 continued to use ICT resources through just dance and interactive workouts to round their learning. We all have had such a great time this term and the grade 1 students have shown great progress in Physical Education over the year, Congratulations for the year and all the best for next year.