Fun with FOD 

We're not always serious ...

Well Done and Thank You!

Amanda Gargett, Friends of Donvale (FOD)


It has been a big year and one of the biggest highlights every year comes in the final week when the Year 6s celebrate their graduation. Held in the Community Hub for the first time, the foyer was spectacularly decorated, the food was amazing and the photo booth lots of fun - as you can see from the picture above!

Well done to the graduation committee for making it such a memorable night for the students. Thank you to the members of FOD who so willingly served the guests on their arrival. We really do belong to such a special community here at DCC. Fly high Year 6s!


Fun with FOD begins early in 2023 with a special event in Week 3: keep Saturday February 18 free for WELCOME FEST!


From 5-8pm, the College grounds will be filled with carnival games, food trucks, a sausage sizzle, petting zoo and so much more.  ALL school families are invited to come along to make new friends, catch up with old ones and celebrate the start of a new year of “being community”. 


As for 2022, we thank our gracious Father for a year where we could reunite and rebuild our community. From everyone on the FOD team, we wish you a blessed and safe Christmas and we look forward to serving you in 2023.


You can always contact FOD through this email: