Charlie and the Lyrebird Awards

Nic Frame and Tim Dehn

The Lyrebird Awards celebrate excellence within the non-professional performing arts - including schools and theatre groups - in eastern metropolitan Melbourne.


Donvale's production of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory was nominated for twelve awards in the Youth Musical category this year, and won four! 


Deservedly so - it played to full houses at every performance and was sheer delight from start to finish.  A great band, some super voices, wit, timing, cheeky style, cunning special effects, and a crazy chorus of mop-headed oompa loompas dancing and singing to Wonka's every whim.


See below for the awards won, showing that the performing arts continue to flourish at Donvale!

Best Performer in a Supporting Female Role: Liana Ireland-Bright


Best Performer in a Supporting Male Role: Nathaniel Reichman


Best Acting Partnership: Lily Cameron, Isabelle Potter and Tom Waters


Best Ensemble: The entire cast and production team!