Primary Happenings

As per the letter sent to families last week, our 2023 Primary classroom Teachers will be: 


Prep - Helen Reid, Brie Price, Sheridan Pover, Katrina Martine and Kellie Westcott 

Year 1 - Su-Ann Chung, Melanie Attard, Keith Heng and Anna Powys 

Year 2 - Bryce Morgan, Amy Mitsis, Ellie Tepe and Michelle Wrench 

Year 3 - Jude Shields, Susan Clement, Hannah Simpkins and Lachlan Taylor 

Year 4 - Joshua Turnbull, Courtney Ayala, Peter Evans and Stephanie Farren  

Year 5 - Danielle Lupi, Jacob Abbott, Rebekkah Birch and Danny Gamble 

Year 6 - Harry Foster, Brendan Deith, Sulari Nielsen and Mariah Reed  


Goodbye and God bless 

Goodbyes are never easy, however, on behalf of your DCC family, I say farewell to our highly valued and dearly loved members of staff Tom Evans, Heather Prescott, Lauren Cummings, Helen McConnell, Mel Bryant, Alex Rowland, Katie O’Gorman, Bec Knight and Bree Lambert who are leaving the Primary Team at the end of the year. 


We honour you and thank you for your years of service to the equipping of the young lives over whom you had influence. Go well, dear friends and may God bless you richly.  

We pray God’s blessings upon Amy Mitsis who will marry her fiancé George in January and, to Charlotte Diack, we pray that you will cherish every moment you have with your precious baby in the new year.   


To the families leaving at the end of the year, we pray for God's blessings, protection, and ongoing guidance over each one of you. May you take the Donvale Difference into your new communities and continue to be a blessing wherever God leads you. 


Primary Class of 2022 

I congratulate the Year 6 students on their graduation from Primary School. These students have been a wonderful group of students – full of energy, fun and enthusiasm for life and learning.   


Our student leaders, Maeve, Bailey, Sienna, Kayode, Joel, Phoebe, Amelia and Zander; and our House captains, Evie, Will, Isabelle, Leroy, Shiloh, Ari, Jessica and Isaac - thank you for being so enthusiastic in your roles and for showing kindness and care to the Primary School this year. 


Year 6, your final few weeks have been filled with great celebration, fun and excitement - with the Laser Tag/Pizza night; and the first Graduation in the Community Hub! My prayer is that you will continue to live life abundantly, seizing each day and what God has in store for you, and that others will continue to be blessed by your positivity and love for life! Blessings to you each. 


A few reminders: 

The first day of Term 1, 2023 is Tuesday 31 January. 

Preps start on Wednesday 1 February or Thursday 2 February

 (as per the communication to individual families). 


2023 Primary Information Evenings are as follows: 

P-2: Wednesday 1 February @ 7pm 

3-6: Monday 6 February @ 7pm  


The College Office will close over the Christmas and New Year break. The final day for the DCC Administration Office is Wednesday 21 December; it will re-open on Monday 9 January 2023