And that's a Wrap!

Tanya Vaughan - Head of Primary

It has been wonderful to be able to share in these final weeks of learning and celebration with so many families in our Community Hub, and we give thanks for the opportunities we have had in giving thanks for God’s goodness to our school in 2022. 


We have been entertained by the musical talents of the Primary Students, with everything from dance to drumming; singing to strings bringing their audience great joy as we celebrated God’s gift of music to us at our long-awaited Primary Music concerts. I commend Mrs Judy Patterson and Mr David Bonfa who have instructed, enthused and coordinated our young musicians, and for providing them an opportunity to perform for us all.  


With the Community Hub filled with expectation and praise, it was delightful to reflect on the year that has been at our first ever Primary Thanksgiving services. With our ‘gratitude glasses’ firmly in place, and multiple ways of expressing our ‘thanks’ (ta!) to God, it felt good to celebrate learning, as well as God-given gifts and talents as a Primary Community. 

The 2023 Orientation morning gave opportunity for our students – both current and new – to come together to prepare for learning in the new year. Whilst teachers and students were busy making new connections, parents new to DCC joined together with Primary Leadership and FOD volunteers to learn about and experience the richness of community in the Primary Staffroom. 


An annual highlight, we were blessed to be able to host the first Year 6 Graduation in the Community Hub. Not only did the Year 6 students (and staff) look impressive, it was another gathering which was filled with wonderful celebration for the incredible way God has blessed these young learners – this year and throughout their years of learning in the Primary School.  

The Christmas Worship Assembly was the perfect way to finish an incredible year as we reflected on the wonder and joy of the Christmas story; we sang carols; honoured the staff and celebrated God’s goodness to us in 2022!